NZ HEMP EXPORT DRIVEN INVESTOR (Full Report) Full Report | Page 14

14 Investor Report Industrial Hemp Sector New Zealand ’ s New Export Opportunity 2020
• A sustainable source of fibre can complement our other primary industries like wool and forestry and lead to the development of both low and high tech applications . Researchers at New Zealand Universities and Scion Research are already engaged with industry to open up opportunities to utilise the versatile qualities of hemp fibre for industrial applications .
• Consumer demand will help focus these developments . By being ahead of the curve we could be developing novel packaging and distribution technology which is supported by science . This complements new product development , and has export potential .
• A positive future for hemp food and fibre is assured . As the industry scales up to meet a growing demand for sustainable raw materials , New Zealand is well positioned to be a global leader in these areas . We can play to our strengths , with a sophisticated and ecological R & D system , and an agile manufacturing industry .
• Hemp is an opportunity to invest in regional
New Zealand , creating the jobs and opportunities required to scale the industry . And , leveraging the global reputation of New Zealand food and beverages , as a trusted brand .
• Scientific research into the phytochemicals contained in the cannabis leaf and flower , and in particular compounds known as cannabinoids , has resulted in the recognition that , in comparison to high THC content plants , many strains of Cannabis Sativa can be safely used for medicines and other products . Many research agencies , including the WHO , have published literature reviews confirming that Cannabidiol ( CBD ) is generally safe for human consumption . ( 1 )
• The recent discovery of the endocannabinoid system ( ECS ) in the 1990 ’ s , is very significant for the future of the hemp industry . The ECS is a molecular system in our body responsible for regulating and balancing many processes in the body including immune response , communications between cells , appetite , metabolism and more . Science has revealed a web of receptors , enzyme and biochemical pathways involved in manufacturing and using the human body ’ s own form of cannabinoids . Endo ( originating within the body ) cannabinoids , can be supplemented by phyto ( from plants ) cannabinoids .
• The cannabis plant can be used for treating a wide range of illnesses because it has over one hundred currently known cannabinoids which can each connect into the ECS . The best known of these is cannabidiol ( CBD ), which is a non-pyschoactive compound . CBD is highly regarded as a compound with a wide range of medical and health benefits . This knowledge has been known for centuries but only recently proved via scientific research .
• CBD is extracted either through separation of CBD oil from the plant matter , or by extracting the compound from the stem , stalk , leaves and flowers of the hemp plant .