NYSFE Magazine Volume 1 | Página 12

DYONNE MA NDY L EV I E D M o d e l C o a c h 01 What inspired you to pursue a career as a Runway Coach? I love teaching and my teaching to gives people confidence in what they are doing. Models are so exposed to the way they look and other’s opinions about that. That it is a tough business. I love to help people build their confidence. 02 Do you have a Runway Coach that you admire? I don’t know that many Coaches. 03 Do you have a favorite pose? Why? I have a favorite side. Depending on the hair, my right side is always better. 04 If there is one thing that you will want people to gain from reading your bio, what will it be? Never give up! Always be determined, a lot of people will say no. But that doesn’t mean that the next time you’ll get a no. It could be a yes! So most important thing is to believe in yourself. 05 You are a woman with many talents. What are some of your other career choices? I have always been in teaching and coaching. I also thought dance to children in high schools, which was fantastic, because they also needed the confidence to really show themselves. They are normally not used to dancing in front of their classmates. Besides that, I thought undergrads at the University of Performance Arts how to teach teenagers dance at High Schools. Which was a lot of fun as well, I think the main thing is I like to motivate people! To show them what abilities they have, and to push people a little bit further then they think they can go. 06 What are some of your future career goals? To visit even more cities with my coaching. I’ve never been to Australia, China, Japan and Russia. 12   N E W Y O R K S U M M E R FA S H I O N E X P L O S I O N M A G A Z I N E   J U N E 2 0 1 7