NYSB Bulletin Winter 2023 | Page 3

From the Bandmaster

One thing that I find very interesting is the concept of New Year ’ s Resolutions and more specifically , the development and selection of your new goals and priorities for the new year . I don ’ t necessarily make New Year ’ s Resolutions , but I certainly will spend some time thinking about how the new year will kick off .
For those in The Salvation Army , and music makers in particular , the Christmas season can be one of the busiest and most stressful times of the year . One of my favorite feelings is the natural progression from exhaustion to rejuvenation that occurs over the post-Christmas break and before the new year begins . There is a natural reset with the flip of the calendar , and I find myself gradually getting excited about the new year and new challenges .
A few weeks ago , I was looking at an article about New Year ’ s Resolutions and was intrigued to see a few lists specifically for musicians . I wonder if any of these are interesting to you .
• Listen to new genres : Being a musician isn ’ t all about producing sound . You can learn a ton and get inspiration just by listening .
• Collaborate with people regularly : Collaboration can take many different shapes and forms . Not only can you make magic happen as you bounce ideas off each other , but you also become a better listener and creator .
• Find an accountability partner : An accountability partner is super helpful for providing support and structure around your goals . Find a like-minded friend and set up some milestones you want to hit by a certain time .
• Learn the “ why ” behind the music : If you tend to just play through songs and pieces to enjoy how they sound , consider learning why it sounds good to you . This isn ’ t about learning music theory but about gaining more insight into the music you love to play and having a more fulfilling musical experience .
As this new year begins , I hope that you are taking a moment to consider what you can do during this year . While this list is meant to be for musicians , these items can certainly speak to a Christian musician in The Salvation Army .
I am challenged to go deeper in my relationship with the Lord , to go deeper in my relationships with other people , to understand why we do what we do , and try to make a real change in my life and encourage change in the lives of those around me .
2 Corinthians 5:14-17 says the following : “ For Christ ’ s love compels us , because we are convinced that one died for all , and therefore all died . And he died for all , that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again . So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view . Though we once regarded Christ in this way , we do so no longer . Therefore , if anyone is in Christ , the new creation has come : The old has gone , the new is here !”
I pray that as you read this you are blessed and encouraged , possessing a sense of excitement and refreshment as we move into 2023 .
2022 – 2023 New York Staff Band
TERRITORIAL LEADERS USA EAST Commissioners William A . and G . Lorraine Bamford
EXECUTIVE OFFICER Lt . Colonel Kathleen Steele
BANDMASTER Derek W . Lance
BANDMASTER Derek W . Lance
SOPRANO CORNET Major Stewart Dalrymple
SOLO CORNET Brindley Venables Robert Venables Captain Jonathan Quatela Brian Smith
FIRST CORNET Jonathan George Major Joshua Lyle
James Dorce
SECOND CORNET Lt . Colonel Kathleen Steele Peter Vaughan
FLUGEL HORN Daniel Wajda
SOLO HORN Matthew Hodgson Mackenzie Dalrymple
Fred Mbesi
SECOND HORN Tatiana Dennison
SECOND BARITONE Christian Riesebieter
Mark Baker Lorena Simmonds-Lance
Nathan Power Dorothy Gates
BASS TROMBONE Warren Smith , Jr .
EUPHONIUM Aaron VanderWeele
Devonte Thompson
E-FLAT TUBAS Christopher Webster Michael DeVault
B-FLAT TUBAS Simon Morton Andrew Dressler
PERCUSSION Andrew Boynton Robert Myers Edward Hardy Jake Lyle
Derek W . Lance Bandmaster , NYSB
COLOR SERGEANT Charles F . Olsen , Jr ..