NYSB Bulletin Winter 2023 | Page 11

always a pleasure to play for the men and women of the Manhattan ARC each Christmas , so this opportunity to play for the men in Columbus was quite familiar and we appreciated each person involved in the program there . Another great lunch followed before changing into uniform for the much anticipated God and Country concert .
The Church at Mill Run was filled with a great crowd and there was a buzz in the air . This was the first God and Country Concert in three years ! The Brass Band of Columbus was in fine form and delivered a varied program of patriotic and religious music . A special highlight was hearing James Curnow ’ s “ Variations on Terra Beata ,” written especially for the Chicago Staff Band .
The NYSB then took to the stage , opening with Ray Steadman-Allen ’ s “ The High Council ” followed by Dean Jones ’ much loved “ Glorifico Aeternum .” As “ The Creation Story ” is one work comprised of several pieces , this took up the majority portion of the band ’ s program . The NYSB is finding that the Lord is doing great things through this work , as the story of creation found in the book of Genesis is being delivered in a new and fresh way . There are moments of fun , moments of awe , and moments where the Holy Spirit is clearly moving through the audience . It was especially moving to hear that several people in attendance left the concert changed and with a renewed fire for Jesus .
In usual fashion , the band rounded out its ministry weekend by leading worship at the Chapel at Worthington Woods Salvation Army , something that is always poignant for the band . Of course , there was time for one more meal before heading to the airport , tired but blessed , and certain that God had used the New York Staff Band once more for His Kingdom work .