NYSB Bulletin Fall 2023 | Page 4

NYSB Ministry Weekend at the CFOT

JANUARY 20 – 22 , 2023 — The New York Staff Band recently gathered at the Salvation Army Eastern Territory College for Officer Training ( CFOT ) in Suffern , New York after a longer than usual break between Christmas and the first rehearsal of the new year . Due to several events and scheduling conflicts , the band couldn ’ t meet again until near the end of January , so it was decided to spend the weekend rehearsing and catching up as several busy engagements lay ahead . The band has also been trying to schedule a ministry Sunday at the CFOT for quite some time in order to encourage the cadets and try and give a glimpse into the possibilities of having high quality worship music at their corps each week . It was good to gather with the officers and cadets of the school . We believe the band had a positive impact and hope that we can serve as a source of encouragement to the field in the years to come .
“ Having the NYSB minister to the cadets and staff of the College for Officer Training was a great blessing , considering the busy schedule of the band . We are grateful that they took the time to lead us in worship and hope it will be an encouragement when the cadets reach the field .”
— Christian Riesebieter , CFOT Music Director