This manual provides information to support brand and graphic consistency across New York Blood Center Enterprises ( NYBCe ). All employees of Blood Bank of Delmarva ( BBD ), Community Blood Center ( CBC ), Connecticut Blood Center ( CTBC ), Innovative Blood Resources ( IBR ), Memorial Blood Centers ( MBC ), Nebraska Community Blood Bank ( NCBB ), New York Blood Center ( NYBC ), and Rhode Island Blood Center ( RIBC ) are responsible for helping ensure universal adherence to these standards . The information provided in this manual helps ensure the integrity of NYBCe ’ s visual identity as we work together to convey a unified message about our organization . These guidelines are designed to help employees as well as vendors and partners utilize our brand properly on marketing and promotional materials .
The NYBCe Branding Team is here to answer your questions about brand , graphic , and editorial guidelines across our Divisions . Please contact a team member below for assistance with the info outlined in this manual , including graphic design support :
Chandler Wilson ( cwilson @ nybc . org ) Lauren Meyer : ( lmeyer @ nybc . org ) Kari Schwen ( kari . schwen @ innovativeblood . org )
Mission / Vision / Core Values
New York Blood Center Enterprises ( NYBCe ) proudly serves as a vital community lifeline dedicated to helping patients and advancing global public health through our four-part mission .
1 ) Provide the highest quality blood and stem cell products and related medical and consultative services to hospitals and patients primarily in the greater New York metropolitan area .
2 ) Conduct the highest quality , novel , and innovative research in the fields of hematology , blood banking and transfusion medicine , and cellular therapies , thus advancing these fields and positively impacting public health .
3 ) Develop products , technologies , and services in the fields of hematology , blood banking , transfusion medicine , and cellular therapies with the potential to have worldwide humanitarian impact . 4 ) Train the next generation of leaders in each of these fields .
Accomplishing its mission through development of a critical mass of outstanding and dedicated individuals , either directly or through strategic partnerships , NYBCe will continue its legacy of being recognized worldwide as a comprehensive center of excellence .