NYBC Enterprises Community Report | Page 12


Our comprehensive blood operations and manufacturing practices , which continue to expand nationally , establish NYBCe as a leader in blood product and service delivery . We strive to enhance our ability to provide the highest quality products and the best level of service to the patients and hospitals that depend on us . For over five decades , NYBCe has worked tirelessly to ensure critical blood products and services are available to patients in need 24 hours a day , 7 days a week . These vital blood products bring life to patients who rely on a safe and ample community blood supply to survive .
The world-renowned laboratories of our Lindsley F . Kimball Research Institute ( LFKRI ) help medical professionals around the world solve problems related to patient antibodies , blood typing , antigens , and much more . LFKRI Laboratory Services are patient-focused , serving the urgent medical services needs of patients near and far .
We provide accredited clinical laboratory services for immunohematology , red blood cell and platelet genomics , and human leukocyte antigen ( HLA ) testing . Our Flow Cytometry Laboratory offers custom in-vitro diagnostic tests , data analysis , experimental design , and training and education . The Laboratory of Immunogenetics provides HLA testing for blood and component samples . We employ DNA-based methodologies for the detection of HLA and provide consultation with physicians and blood bank staff . Our Immunohematology Laboratory is known worldwide for expertise in resolving complex antibody investigations and has an extensive collection of panel cells to identify antibodies . Testing services include ABO / Rh , red blood cell antigen phenotyping , antibody identification , autoantibody workup , and reagent licensure studies . The laboratory has 30,000 blood donors genotyped , enabling us to supply rare blood nationally and internationally . These units can either be liquid or frozen from our frozen blood inventory , which contains 7,000 rare red blood cell units . We receive thousands of requests each year from local , national , and international hospitals and blood centers for patient antibody identification using serologic and genetic methods . Our frozen blood reserves are one of the largest repositories in the nation . Frozen red cells are an excellent resource for patients with rare or uncommon blood types .
The National Center for Blood Group Genomics ( NCBGG ) combines the scientific and research expertise of New York Blood Center and Community Blood Center of Kansas City , providing genomic testing of DNA and RNA for blood group antigens as well as ABO subgroup analysis , extensive Rh genotyping , and sequencing .