NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 42

SERVICE-LEARNING & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT NORTHEAST WISCONSIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE Authentic Projects by Department ’08-‘09 ’09-‘10 ’10-‘11 ’11-‘12 ’12-‘13 ’13-‘14 ’14-‘15 ’15-‘16 ’16-‘17 ‘17-‘18 ‘17-‘18 Business & Information Technology 39 62 108 115 91 111 90 60 51 55 51 General Studies 10 23 54 20 33 61 42 54 48 51 80 Health Sciences & Education 43 51 64 84 37 57 65 86 127 112 88 Public Safety 17 27 19 17 13 11 36 19 2 2 9 Trades & Engineering Technology 15 23 53 32 19 38 61 52 33 55 66 125 186 298 268 193 278 294 271 261 275 294 Total Authentic Projects Co-Curricular, Staff, and International Program Projects ’08-‘09 ’09-‘10 Co-Curricular ’10-‘11 ’11-‘12 ’12-‘13 ’13-‘14 ’14-‘15 ’15-‘16 ’16-‘17 ‘17-‘18 ‘18-‘19 1 N/A 27 54 30 36 44 36 45 55 68 Staff n/a 2 6 6 1 5 8 2 3 3 10 Total 1 2 33 60 31 41 56 41 51 58 78 Total Number of Service-Learning Participants and Hours ’08-‘09 ’09-‘10 ’10-‘11 ’11-‘12 ’12-‘13 ’13-‘14 ’14-‘15 ’15-‘16 ’16-‘17 ‘17-‘18 ‘18-‘19 Total Number of Learners Participating 2,126 2,929 3,936 3,674 2,488 4,470 4,324 3,966 3,062 3,394 4,241 Total Number of Service-Learning Hours 18,214 30,052 45,661 38,956 33,078 54,732 57,602 58,779 50,148 58,179 54,073 Note: Every effort was made to learn about any classroom projects of a service nature and to capture the faculty involved, students that participated, etc. 41