NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 40
Veteran first-generation college
student receives a prestigious
honor for giving back.
Daniel Diebold, a second-year
student in the Automotive
Technology program
has been named one of
over 200 community-
committed students to
be a 2019 Newman Civic
Fellow by Campus Compact:
a national coalition of more than
1,000 colleges and universities dedicated
to campus-based civic engagement.
Daniel, a first-generation college student
who serves as Vice President of NWTC’s
Student Veterans Association (SVA), is
also dedicated to making life easier for
veterans and their families by serving
as a member of The Disabled American
Veterans (DAV) to promote and support
better healthcare, education, and
resources for veterans and their families.
As Vice President of the SVA, Daniel
also works to build funds to help other
student veterans attending NWTC. Daniel
also leads an effort to collect items for
care packages to send to a recently
deployed local National Guard Unit.
Daniel aspires to use his training within
the Automotive Technology program to
help veterans on fixed incomes access
high-quality vehicle care for affordable
payments. He is passionate about ensuring
that other veterans have access to
secure housing and transportation.
It was Daniel’s vision, along with his
extensive work in the Student Veterans
Association and DAV to serve other fixed
income veterans in the community that
prompted his instructor to nominate
him for a Newman Civic Fellowship.
“Since settling in Northeast Wisconsin, I
began to wonder how I could use my skills
and interests to help others. I thought to
myself, “What basic needs do people often
need help with?” Daniel explained in his
Newman Civic Fellows personal statement.
“The answer I found so often was simply
getting a vehicle running. After I complete
my degree in Automotive Technologies, I
want to set up a shop that helps people
on limited incomes get their vehicles fixed
with manageable assisted payment plans.”
The Newman Civic Fellows Awards honors
the late Frank Newman, one of Campus
Compact’s founders and a tireless
advocate for the civic engagement of
higher education. The awards honor the
achievements of undergraduate and
graduate student leaders who have taken