NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 25

said Julie Ebben-Matzke, Associate Dean for Information Technology at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College in Green Bay. Thanks to a partnership between NWTC and Microsoft, countless volunteers, and a simple, fun curriculum over three hundred people around northern and eastern Wisconsin were given a hands- on introduction to the in-demand career possibilities in information. NWTC has hosted the Hour of Code for four years. It’s a nationwide program from Code.org aimed at introducing kids and adults to the basics and possibilities of software development. The event was free and open to the public at all 9 of NWTC’s campuses and regional learning centers throughout Northeast Wisconsin, with free t-shirts and drawings for prizes throughout. Over 300 people attended events across all NWTC campuses, up from 12 participants at the inaugural event. Serving those living in rural areas is a source of pride for the program. “Those kids deserve the same opportunities that you do living in Green Bay,” Ebben-Matzke said. “Unfortunately, those smaller school districts may not offer IT classes because they don’t have the money or don’t have the teachers.” 24