NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 23

they transported the buildings in halves to Camp Wabansi where the students were able to put the final touches on their donation. “It’s just a huge blessing,” said Max Clark, Executive Director of Camping Services for the Greater Green Bay YMCA. He continued, “They look extremely durable, and they’re just beautiful, I don’t know how we would ever do this without them or how we could improve this place without this kind of help.” about the project, NWTC student Carter Valley shared, “It’s pretty cool to see how far it’s come,” Valley was a Wabansi camper over 10 years ago. When asked about the Camp he responded “Oh yeah. Nothings changed. That’s for sure.” That is, except for the two cabins that he and his classmates are replacing, of course. Valley feels a sense of accomplishment knowing that he’s leaving the camp even better than he found it a decade ago. The students dedicated about 18 hours per week throughout the fall and spring semesters to finish the project on time. When asked 22