NWTC Equity Guide A guide to diversity, equity and inclusion at NWTC | Page 21

Diversity Team Organizational Chart Structure and Roles CHAIR CO-CHAIR WORKGROUPS CAMPUS CLIMATE DIVERSITY EDUCATION Campus Climate: This subcommittee will support and monitor strategic College-wide diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) indicators and standards to ensure responsibility and accountability for achieving those desired outcomes. Diversity Education: This subcommittee will develop, guide, evaluate and communicate DEI educational opportunities for students and employees. Student Success: This subcommittee will review data associated with the student experience to identify DEI opportunities and encourage the enhancement of services and programs. STUDENT SUCCESS WORKFORCE DIVERSITY Workforce Diversity: This subcommittee will review data related to employee and student experiences in the workplace to support DEI recruitment and retention strategies. Chair: Works with the ELT to carry out the mission of the team. The chair: (a) leads monthly meetings, (b) sets agenda items for meetings and retreats, (c) shapes creation of new subcommittee, (d) supports the subcommittees, (e) and acts as public face and voice of team. Co-Chair: Appointed by the chair, (a) co-leads monthly meetings, (b) supports the needs of the chair, (c) provides guidance to the subcommittees, (d) and acts as public face and voice of team. 19