NWTC Equity Guide A guide to diversity, equity and inclusion at NWTC | Page 17
Student Equity Data
For more information on the College’s institutional, employee,
and student data, please visit the Data Mine. The Data Mine
is an internal resource that includes a comprehensive index
of reports, but it also includes many other resources.
This information is only available to NWTC staff.
PACE Survey
Every other year, NWTC invites employees to participate in a PACE
(Personal Assessment of College Environment) survey administered by
the National Initiative for Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness.
The purpose of the survey is to obtain the perceptions of personnel concerning
the college climate and to provide data to assist NWTC in promoting open
and constructive communication among faculty, staff, and administrators.
Using the below six-point scale, respondents are asked to select
their survey response to items divided into four domains: institutional
structure, supervisory relationships, teamwork, and student focus.
• Very satisfied.
• Satisfied.
• Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
• Dissatisfied.
• Very dissatisfied.
• Not applicable.
As of 2016, NWTC has included a set of racial subscale
questions as a way to continue our awareness of levels of
engagement among our diverse employee population.
PACE survey results, including the set of racial subscale questions,
are only available to NWTC staff through the Data Mine.