NWTC Equity Guide 68115HR_Equity Guide_8x8_FINAL_single pages_FINAL | Page 15

ENGAGEMENT– CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ENTER CAREER PATHWAY AND PROGRAM COURSEWORK  GED/ELL  Bridge   Developmental Education   Dual Credit   Credit for Prior Learning   Direct Placement   Community Service Projects  Volunteering   Internationalization of Curriculum   Work Study Employment Initiative   Developmental Ed Team   Intro to Diversity Studies High Impact Practices: Experiential Learning Beyond the Classroom, Accelerated Developmental Education, Learning Communities, College 101 Student Success Course, Starfish Academic Alert and Intervention System FINANCIAL SUPPORT   Financial Coaching   Emergency Fund   Minority Scholarships   Community Referrals  Scholarships High Impact Practice: Financial Literacy   Employability Skills   Leadership Training  Multi-Cultural    Internship Program   International Programs   Food for Thought   Student Clubs               Honor Society Student Government Alumni Mentoring Program Connecting Families Minority Peer Mentoring Cultural Events Place at the Table High Impact Practice: Experiential Learning GRADUATE WITH A CREDENTIAL AND A CAREER   Future Faculty   Career Fair ACADEMIC SUPPORT   Academic Coaching   Dream Advising High Impact Practice: Coaching and Supplemental Instruction 15   Transfer to a    4-year School   Become an Alumni   Be a Life-Long   Learner Faculty and Staff development: On Course, SPARK Blog, Cooperative Learning, Supplemental Instruction, Best Practices, Instructor Preparedness Academy, Diverse Staff Recruitment Team, Learning, Teaching, and Serving Inclusively, Electives 20July2015