Automation Engineering Technology - Associate Degree - Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Full Semester 10664189 - Automation Systems Integration 3
Semester Total 15
Total Credits 62
Curriculum Note : The credit for 10-890-101 , College 101 is an Institutional Requirement for graduation . Consequently , it is not part of the program requirements , but must be passed with a C or better .
It is acceptable for students to take 10-804-113 , College Tech Math 1A and 10-804-114 , College Tech Math 1B as alternatives to : 10-804-117 , College Mathematics and 10- 804-118 , Intermediate Algebra w / Apps .
Students must pass 10-801-136 , English Composition 1 with a " C " or better to take 10-801-197 , Technical Reporting .
DC 1 : Introduction is offered through our high school program partnership . Students who have completed DC 1 : Introduction in high school may enroll in Introduction to AC / DC 2 . All other students must take 10-660-116 , Introduction to AC / DC and do not need to take Introduction to AC / DC 2 .