10101110 - Accounting 1 4 10101120 - Accounting 2 4 10102150 - Business Law 3 10104119 - Social Media Marketing 3 10307167 - ECE : Health , Safety and Nutrition 3 10307179 - ECE : Child Development 3 10522106 - EDU : Child and Adolescent Development 3 10196190 - Leadership Development 3 10501101 - Medical Terminology 3 10801197 - Technical Reporting 3 Graduation Requirement - 1 credit needed overall 10890101 - College 101 1
Curriculum Note : Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
All prerequisite / corequisite courses must be completed with a grade of " C " or better .
The credit for 10-890-101 , College 101 is an Institutional Requirement for graduation . Consequently , it is not part of the program credit requirements , but must be passed with a " C " or better .
English Composition 1 , 10-801-136 , must be passed with a " C " or better .
* One Biological or Physical science selection must contain a lab component .
** Applied Statistics Enhancement is a one-credit “ add-on ” course to move learning from an introductory statistics to applied statistics knowledge . You may enroll in the two courses simultaneously .
*** Calc Physics 1 Enhancement is a one-credit “ add-on ” course to move from algebra-based physics to calculus-based physics knowledge . Enroll in this course upon completion of 10806154 General Physics 1 and 10804198 Calculus 1 .
**** Calc Physics 2 Enhancement is a one-credit “ add-on ” course to move from algebra-based physics to calculus-based physics knowledge . Enroll in this course upon completion of 10806164 General Physics 2 and 10804198 Calculus 1 .
World Language requirement may be met with one ( 1 ) year in high school with a “ C ” or better OR one ( 1 ) semester in college . World language courses may count toward Humanities , Fine Arts , or Electives .
Elective college courses may count toward Humanities , Fine Arts , or Electives .