NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 8



10-831-107 COLLEGE READING & WRITING 1 Introduces and develops literacy strategies through the integration and application of basic readingand writing principles to prepare learners for contextualized college - level tasks . ( Prerequisite : Cumulative GPA below 2.60 with appropriate reading AND writing assessment scores )
10-838-105 INTRO TO READING & STUDY SKILLS Introduces , develops , and applies reading skills , academic vocabulary , and reading strategies to fluently interpret and comprehend what is read in preparation for the volume and rigor of contextualized college-level reading tasks . ( Prerequisite : Cumulative GPA below 2.60 with appropriate reading AND writing assessment scores ). Note : Course is for Technical Diplomas that do not have English Composition in the program . If English Composition is in the program , follow the College Reading and Writing pathway .
10-831-102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION PREP The English Composition Prep course is supplemental to the competencies of English Composition I in offering the opportunity to further practice grammar and writing skills that are being learned in English Composition I . ( Prerequisite : One of the following or the equivalent : Cumulative GPA below 2.60 with appropriate reading OR writing assessment scores ; Corequisite : 10-801-136 , English Composition 1 )
10-834-109 ALGEBRA Introduction to algebra . Includes operations on real numbers , solving linear equations , percent and proportion , and an introduction to polynomials and statistics - preparation for elementary algebra and subsequent algebra related courses . ( Prerequisite : Cumulative GPA below 2.60 and appropriate math assessment scores )
10-834-102 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATH This course is supplemental to the competencies of Mathematical Reasoning , Math & Logic , and College Technical Mathematics 1A , in offering the opportunity to further practice mathematical skills that are bing learned in those classes . ( Prerequisite : Accuplacer Arithmetic 33 or below or ACT Math 12 or below or equivalent and cumulative GPA below 2.60 )
10-834-107 INTRO TO ALGEBRA Supplemental to the competencies of Intermediate Algebra and College Technical Mathematics 1B , in offering the opportunity to further practice algebra skills that are being learned in those classes . ( Prerequisite : Cumulative GPA below 2.60 and appropriate reading and math assessment scores OR 10-834-109 , Pre-Algebra with “ C ” or better or 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing 1 with “ B ” or better OR the appropriate co-requisite / s : 10-831-102 , English Composition Prep ; 10-804-118 , Intermediate Algebra w / Apps ; 10-804-114 , College Tech Math 1B ; 10-804-135 , Quantitative Reasoning )