Course Descriptions
College 101 10890101 Students will utilize digital tools and resources to assess , explore , practice , apply , and evaluate both employability and learning skills . By establishing NWTC cultural values as hallmarks of success in academic , career , and personal settings the course encourages reflective , personalized development of a growth mindset and emphasizes the importance of making wise choices . To maximize the return on investment , students should take this course in their first semester as it identifies key expectations ( hidden rules ) of higher learning and professional employment . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Digital 1 : Logic 10660101 AND , OR , NOT , NAND , NOR , logic operation using switch logic , ladder logic , and gate logic . Simplification methods using Boolean theorems and Karnaugh Maps , and timing diagram analysis . Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Digital 2 : Sequential 10660102 Operation and connection of latches , RS flip-flops , JK flip-flops , and D flip-flops using timing diagram analysis , and some simple applications are studied . ( Pre-requisite : 10-660-101 , Digital 1 : Logic ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Introduction to AC / DC 10660116 Introduces the concepts of AC and DC power and basic circuits . Using a multimeter , students learn about voltage , current , and resistance in both AC and DC circuits . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
College Technical Math 1A 10804113 Topics include solving linear equations ; graphing ; percent ; proportions ; measurement systems ; computational geometry ; and right triangle trigonometry . Emphasis will be on the application of skills to technical problems . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Arithmetic score greater / equal to 250 AND Rdg score greater / equal to 250 ; OR TABE A 9 / 10 Math greater / equal to 12.7 AND Rdg greater / equal to 8.8 ; OR TABE 11 / 12 Math greater / equal to 780 AND Rdg greater / equal to 573 ; OR ACT Math score greater / equal to 15 AND ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 ; OR preparatory courses-contact an academic advisor 920-498-5444 ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Fluids 1 : Basic Pneumatics 10620100 What fluid power is , differentiate between hydraulics and pneumatics , implement basic pneumatic circuits , utilize schematics , apply Pascal ' s Law , define properties of fluids , implement airflow control and hydraulics cylinder circuits . Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Fluids 2 : Basic Hydraulics 10620101 Hydraulic pumps , basic hydraulics actuator circuits , hydraulic schematics , apply Pascal ' s Law , summarize the effects of fluids friction , define properties of hydraulic energy , design hydraulic circuits with directional control valves . ( Pre-requisite : 10-620-100 , Fluids 1 : Basic Pneumatics ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Automation 1 : Control Logic 10664100 Electric motor control components such as switches , relays , starters , transformers ; and safely mount and install motor and motor control components and perform related wiring and troubleshooting of motor control circuits . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Digital 3 : Registers 10660103 Analyze and design asynchronous up counters , down counters , presettable counters , ring counters , and Johnson counters , and analyze synchronous counters . Analyze and design various types of shift registers . ( Prerequisite : 10-660-102 , Digital 2 : Sequential ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Intro to Psychology 10809198 Survey of theoretical foundations of human behavior such as sensation and perception , motivation , emotions , learning , personality , psychological disorders , therapy , stress , and human diversity in personal , social and vocational settings . ( Prerequisite : Cumulative GPA of 2.6 or greater OR satisfactory reading and writing assessment scores OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing 1 with " B " or better OR Corequisite : 10-831-102 , English Comp Prep ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Biomedical-Introduction to 10605201 provides an introduction to the biomedical field . The hospital / clinical environment , safety , accepted practices and expectations will be explored . Course Typically Offered : Fall
College Technical Math 1B 10804114 Topics include : performing operations on polynomials ; solving quadratic and rational equations ; formula rearrangement ; solving systems of equations ; and oblique triangle trigonometry . Emphasis will be on the application of skills to technical problems . ( Prerequisite : 10-804-113 , Tech Math 1A with grade C or better ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
AC 2 : Reactance 10660108 Study of the way inductive , capacitive and resistive components behave in a circuit excited by a sine waveform . Effective and average values of the sinewave are derived . ( Pre-requisite : 10-660-116 , Introduction to AC / DC ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Electronics 1 : Diodes-Basic 10660110 Introduction to the characteristics and usage of semiconductor diodes in rectifiers and linear power supplies . Special diodes and diode circuits are also considered . ( Prerequisite : 10-660-116 , Intro to AC / DC ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Electronics 2 : Trans-Basic 10660111 Introduction to the characteristics , bias and usage of semiconductor transistors in amplifying circuitry . BJTs and general amplifier characteristics are studied . ( Pre-requisite : 10-660-110 , Electronics 53 1 : Diodes-