Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Automation 9 : HMI 10664152
Advanced functions of Operator Interface Terminals , differentiation between Human Machine Interface and Operator Interface Terminal , basic setup , generation of PLC program , tags , and screen objects for Human Machine Interface system . ( Pre-requisite : 10-664-151 , Automation 8 : HMI ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Control 1 : Discrete Systems 10664160 Applications and utilization of digital input and output devices through connection to and programming of PLC ' s . ( Prerequisite : 10-664-101 , Automation 2 ; 10-664-104 , Automation 5 : PLC ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Control 2 : Servo Systems-Intro 10664161 Introduction to components and operational functions of servo systems . Control of servo systems using PLC programming . ( Pre-requisite : 10-664-160 , Control 1 : Discrete Systems ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Control 3 : Servo Motion Prog 10664162 Creation of PLC programming to complete basic motion tasks . ( Pre-requisite : 10-664-161 , Control 2 : Servo Systems-Intro ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Technical Reporting 10801197 Principles of report writing and correspondence , proposals , feasibility reports , progress reports , investigation reports , evaluation reports , meeting reports , memos , and correspondence . ( Prerequisite : 10-801-136 , English Composition I OR 10-801-195 , Written Communication with “ C ” or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Automation 7 : PLC 10664150 Timers , counters , and math instruction applications , creation of a function block program structure via written specification , and modification of existing PLC program to enhance operation utilizing advanced programming functions . ( Prerequisite : 10-664-104 , Automation 5 : PLC ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Automation 10 : Network 10664153 Industrial networks used in today ' s manufacturing environment and their foundation , proper system hardware of an industrial network installation , and use of an industrial network to communicate data via Industrial Ethernet . ( Corequisite : 10-664-105 , Automation 6 ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Control 4 : Servo System Camm 10664163 Introduction to components and operational functions of servo systems . Camming control of servo systems using PLC programming ( Pre-requisite : 10-664-162 , Control 3 : Servo Motion Programming ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Control 5 : Servo System Regist 10664164 Registration control of servo systems using PLC programming . ( Pre-requisite : 10-664-163 , Control 4 : Servo Systems Camming ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Intro to Diversity Studies 10809172 Basic American values of justice and equality by teaching vocabulary , history of immigration / conquest , transcultural communication , legal liability , multicultural majority / minority relations , ageism , sexism , gender , sexual orientation , the disabled / ADA . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 237 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 AND English greater / equal to 15 ; OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing with a B or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Control 6 : Process Control 10664165 Specification , calibration and application of process control devices using PLC programming . ( Pre-requisite : 10-664-164 , Control 5 : Servo System Registration ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Automation Systems Integration 10664189 Coordination and application of automation technologies into an integrated and automated manufacturing system . ( Prerequisites : 10-620-159 , Power Electronics 3 : Drives ; 10-620-162 , Power Electricity 2 : Motors ; 10-664-152 , Automation 9 : HMI ; 10-664-162 , Control 3 : Motion Systems ; 10-620-101 , Fluids 2 : Basic Hydraulics ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Intro to Psychology 10809198 Survey of theoretical foundations of human behavior such as sensation and perception , motivation , emotions , learning , personality , psychological disorders , therapy , stress , and human diversity in personal , social and vocational settings . ( Prerequisite : Cumulative GPA of 2.6 or greater OR satisfactory reading and writing assessment scores OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing 1 with " B " or better OR Corequisite : 10-831-102 , English Comp Prep ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Intro to Predictive Maint 10620147 Introduction to different predictive maintenance practices including vibration analysis , thermal imaging , and precision balancing of flywheels or fans . Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring