NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 323

Printed : 10 / 24 / 2022 11:36:55 AM Academic year : 2023-2024
IT-Web Programmer - Technical Diploma
Program Code : 311526
The IT-Web Programmer technical diploma provides learners the ability to integrate web technologies to develop database-driven , interactive and dynamic web sites .
Day Evening Full-time Online : Some online courses may be delivered at specific times each week . Part-time
Explore Locations
This program is offered at :
Green Bay
Program Costs & Financial Aid
Tuition : $ 5,144 , Books : $ 567 , Supplies : $ 0 Total Approximate Costs $ 5,711
This program is eligible for financial aid . ( https :// www . nwtc . edu / admissions-and-aid / paying-for-college )
Estimates based on in-state residency . Learn more about tuition and fees . ( https :// www . nwtc . edu / admissions-and-aid / paying-for-college / tuition-and-fees )
Requirements for Program Entry
Apply at www . nwtc . edu / apply Submit high school , GED , or HSED transcripts and college transcripts ( if applicable ) to transcripts @ nwtc . edu
Tip ! Our admission advisors will assist you through every step . Have questions ? Connect with NWTC Admissions at start @ nwtc . edu or 920-498-5444 .
Program Outcomes
Design , build , or maintain web sites using authoring or scripting languages , content creation tools , management tools and digital media .
Perform or direct web site updates .
In this one-year program , you will learn to develop interactive , dynamic websites . You will obtain hands-on skills and knowledge in database development , web coding , programming , and design . As a graduate , you will be prepared for a variety of information technology careers including web developer , web architect , and PHP developer , to name a few . All credits from this technical diploma program may be transferred into the Web Development associate degree program .
First Semester 8 Week 1 10107107 - Intro to IT 1 10152185 - Website Coding 3 10801136 - English Composition 1 3
8 Week 2
10890101 - College 101
10154125 - Database Development
10804133 - Math & Logic
Semester Total 14
Second Semester 8 Week 1 10152184 - SQL Programming 3 10152173 - Programming in C # Part 1 3
8 Week 2
10152183 - ASP . NET Server-Side Scripting
10152180 - JavaScript Client-Side Script
Semester Total 12
Third Semester
10152182 - PHP Server-Side Scripting
10801196 - Oral / Interpersonal Comm
Semester Total 6
Total Credits 32
Curriculum Note : The credit for 10-890-101 , College 101 is an Institutional Requirement for graduation . Consequently , it is not part of the program requirements , but must be passed with a C .
Backup files from web sites to local directories for instant recovery in case of problems .
Identify problems uncovered by testing or customer feedback , and correct problems or refer problems to appropriate personnel for correction .
Evaluate code to ensure that it is valid , is properly structured , meets industry standards and is compatible with browsers , devices , or operating systems .
Maintain understanding of current web technologies or programming practices through continuing education , reading , or participation in professional conferences , workshops , or groups .
Analyze user needs to determine technical requirements .
Develop or validate test routines and schedules to ensure that test cases mimic external interfaces and address all browser and device types .