NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 283

Food service sanitation principles of contamination / food borne illness with National Restaurant Association ServSafe Certification testing included . ( Prerequisite : Acceptance in Culinary Specialist technical diploma or Restaurant Management technical diploma or Hospitality Management associate degree or Baking & Pastry certificate ). Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Catering 10316126 An overview of catering including pricing , hiring / managing staff , marketing , planning successful events , preparing safe / attractive food as well as managing the event . ( Prerequisite : Acceptance in Culinary Specialist technical diploma or Restaurant Management technical diploma or Hospitality Management associate degree ). Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Restaurant Management 10109168 Food / beverage industry , product classifications , responsible service ; bar / kitchen equipment / organization ; maintaining clean / sanitary facilities ; staffing , training , supervising food / beverage employees ; promotions planning ; budgeting / cost controls of food / beverage operations . Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Hospitality Facilities Mgmt 10109127 Staffing housekeeping operations , facilities safety and security , cleaning routines , material selection , laundry operations , controlling costs in housekeeping and maintenance departments , facility systems and design . Course Typically Offered : Fall
Career Preparation 10105103 Create professional resume and cover letter , prepare for interviews , understand interviewing techniques , participate in a mock interview , evaluate outcomes of interview , and prepare for Career Experience . ( Prerequisites : 10-105-101 , Career Planning ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Event Planning & Management 10109152 Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Intro to Ethics : Theory & App 10809166 Basic understanding of theoretical foundations of ethical thought ; analyze / compare relevant issues using diverse ethical perspectives ; critically evaluate individual , social / professional standards of behavior-- applying a systematic decision-making process . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 237 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 AND English greater / equal to 15 ; OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing with a B or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Global Business Mgmt 10102160 Globalization , cultural environment , global trade environment , politics and law , economic integration , global trade and investment theories , exporting , global human resource management , corporate social responsibility . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Selling Principles 10104101 Selling as a career ; success factors in selling ; personality development ; product knowledge ; and the sales process involving preparation , approach , presentation-demonstration , handling objections , and closing the sale successfully . Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Intro to Diversity Studies 10809172 Basic American values of justice and equality by teaching vocabulary , history of immigration / conquest , transcultural communication , legal liability , multicultural majority / minority relations , ageism , sexism , gender , sexual orientation , the disabled / ADA . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 237 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 AND English greater / equal to 15 ; OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing with a B or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Intro to Psychology 10809198 Survey of theoretical foundations of human behavior such as sensation and perception , motivation , emotions , learning , personality , psychological disorders , therapy , stress , and human diversity in personal , social and vocational settings . ( Prerequisite : Cumulative GPA of 2.6 or greater OR satisfactory reading and writing assessment scores OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing 1 with " B " or better OR Corequisite : 10-831-102 , English Comp Prep ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Hospitality Career Experience 10109199 Students can select any hands on experience related to : Internship , Field Research , Service Learning , Capstone , Industry Related or International Experience . Instructor approval required . ( Prerequisite : 10-105- 103 , Career Preparation ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring