NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 231

mathematical problem-solving related to collection systems and treatment facilities are introduced . Laboratory procedures and practices involved with operation of liquid treatment processes . ( Prerequisite : 10- 506-148 , Environmental Chem Analysis ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
Pumps : Fluid Moving Devices 10620220 This course provides the opportunity for the learner to develop the knowledge , skills , and understanding of pumps , the different classifications of pumps , the inner workings , general maintenance and pumping theory . Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Wastewater Treat-Solids & Adv 10506176 Course Typically Offered :
Ind . Safety & Emerg . Response 10506152 State and federal regulations related to worker safety , industrial hygiene , and response to emergency situations . Emphasis is placed on response to releases of hazardous materials . Course Typically Offered : Spring
Technical Reporting 10801197 Principles of report writing and correspondence , proposals , feasibility reports , progress reports , investigation reports , evaluation reports , meeting reports , memos , and correspondence . ( Prerequisite : 10-801-136 , English Composition I OR 10-801-195 , Written Communication with “ C ” or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Env Engineering Internship 10506169 Supervised on-the-job training in the application of theory , skills , and techniques in the Environmental Engineering profession . The internship earns three Associate Degree credits when 180 hours of work experience has been completed . Minimum instructor approval required . Course Typically Offered : Fall
Intro to Energy Management 10481114 Introduces the basic concepts of energy , utility systems and utility rate structures ; defines the need for energy management as an integral part of society at all levels . The course will present the various opportunities available to energy management students . Course Typically Offered : Fall
NMP and Compliance 10093350 Student will have a proficiency in basic soil fertility and fertilizers with an emphasis on manure . Basic understanding of crop fertility requirements and soil pH impacts . Soil lab analysis and field mapping will be integrated through the use of SNAP Plus as an industry standard in nutrient management planning software . Students will be prepared to complete the CCA certified crop advisor exam allowing them to write nutrient management plans . ( Prerequisite : 10-506-146 , Intro to Environmental Science OR 10-090-326 , Intro to Dairy Science ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
Surface Water & Distribution 10506167 Physical , chemical , and biological principles of operation of surface water treatment and distribution systems . The basic unit processes , control parameters , and mathematical problem-solving related to surface water treatment facilities and distribution systems are introduced . Laboratory procedures and practices involved with operation of water analysis and treatment . ( Prerequisites : 10-506-148 , Environmental Chem Analysis ; 10-804-113 , College Tech Math 1A . Corequisites : 10-506-166 , Ground Water & Distribution ) Course Typically Offered : Spring
Air Pollution Control Systems 10506164 air quality problems , federal and state regulatory mechanisms , and the types of emission control technology currently available . Monitoring emissions and ambient air quality are addressed . ( Prerequisite : 10- 801-136 , English Composition 1 with a " C " or better ) Course Typically Offered : Spring
Intro to Diversity Studies 10809172 Basic American values of justice and equality by teaching vocabulary , history of immigration / conquest , transcultural communication , legal liability , multicultural majority / minority relations , ageism , sexism , gender , sexual orientation , the disabled / ADA . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 237 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 AND English greater / equal to 15 ; OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing with a B or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Ground Water & Distribution 10506166 Physical , chemical , and biological principles of operation of groundwater and distribution systems . The basic unit processes , control parameters , and mathematical problem-solving related to groundwater facilities and distribution systems are introduced . Laboratory procedures and practices involved with operation of water analysis and treatment . ( Prerequisites : 10-506-148 , Environmental Chem Analysis ; 10- 804-113 , College Technical Math 1A with a " C " or better ) Course Typically Offered : Spring
Solid and Hazardous Waste 10506163 Identify the hierarchy of and regulations related to solid and hazardous waste , the waste stream , pollution prevention and disposal strategies . Learn detection techniques and proper transporting and handling methods . Course Typically Offered : Spring
Intro to Psychology 10809198 Survey of theoretical foundations of human behavior such as sensation and perception , motivation , emotions , learning , personality , psychological disorders , therapy , stress , and human diversity in personal , social and vocational settings . ( Prerequisite : Cumulative GPA of 2.6 or greater OR satisfactory reading and writing assessment scores OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing 1 with " B " or better OR Corequisite : 10-831-102 , English Comp Prep ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring