NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 200

Electronics 3 : Op-Amps-Basic 10660112 Introduction to the circuit characteristics of integrated operational amplifiers . The various connections , inverting , non-inverting and comparator will be studied as well as specialized applications such as summers and filters . ( Pre-requisite : 10-660-111 , Electronics 2 : Transistor-Basic ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring Micro 1 : Introduction 10605163 Use of simulation software , fundamentals of C language programming , basic logic and control , analog and digital inputs , flowcharting , motor control , objects , and PWM techniques . ( Pre-requisite : 10-660-116 , Introduction to AC / DC ; 10-660-103 Digital 3 : Registers ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
General Physics 1 10806154 Applications / theory of basic physics principles : problem-solving , laboratory investigation , and applications including unit conversion and analysis , vectors , translational and rotational kinematics / dynamics , heat / temperature , and harmonic motion and waves . ( Prereq : 2.6 GPA & Alg 2 or equiv w / C or better ; OR Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 263 , Arith greater / equal to 250 , & QRAS greater / equal to 250 ; OR ACT Reading greater / equal to 17 & Math greater / equal to 21 ; OR Coll Tech Math 1A OR Int Alg w / C or better ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Intro to Diversity Studies 10809172 Basic American values of justice and equality by teaching vocabulary , history of immigration / conquest , transcultural communication , legal liability , multicultural majority / minority relations , ageism , sexism , gender , sexual orientation , the disabled / ADA . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 237 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 AND English greater / equal to 15 ; OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing with a B or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Economics 10809195 Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Linear Electronics 1 : BJT Amps 10605160 Review the characteristics of the bipolar junction transistor and Class A , Class AB and Class B bipolar junction transistor amplifiers . ( Prerequisites : 10-660-111 , Electronics 2 : Trans-Basic ; 10-660-112 , Electronics 3 : Op-Amps-Basic ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Linear Electronics 2 : JFET Amp 10605161 Characteristics of the junction field-effect ( JFET ) transistor amplifier and types of commonly used field effect transistor amplifiers . ( Pre-requisite : 10-605-160 , Linear Electronics 1 : BJT Amplifiers ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Micro 2 : Technique 10605164 Bitwise operations , pseudo-ops , more C programming techniques , LCD display , control logic , and continued use of simulation software . ( Prerequisite : 10-605-163 , Micro 1 : Intro ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Datacomm 1 : Introduction 10605170 Introduction to fundamental communication concepts , including physical transmission media , data rate , frequency , bandwidth , sampling , quantization , modulation techniques , multiplexing , and more . ( Prerequisite : 10-660-103 , Digital 3 : Registers ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Datacomm 2 : Basic Networking 10605171 introduction to basic networking , the OS Model and TC / IP layers , local area networks , wireless networks , cellular communications , and the data link layer . ( Prerequisite : 10-605-170 , Data Comm 1 : Introduction ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Calculus 2 10804181 A continuation of Calculus 1 ( 10804198 ) and an introduction to integral calculus . Topics included in this course are integration methods and techniques including integration by parts and partial fractions , indeterminate forms , improper integrals . Topics also covered are infinite sequences and series including MacLaurin and Taylor Series and their convergence , L ’ Hopital ’ s Rule , applications of differentiation and integration , conic sections , parametric equations , polar coordinates along with vector operations in three dimensions . ( Prerequisite : 10-804-198 , Calculus I with a " C " or better ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Linear Electronics 3 : Filters 10605162 Review the characteristics of the passive RL , RC , RLC active filters , introduction to all types of commonly used passive and active filters . ( Pre-requisite : 10-605-161 , Linear Electronics 2 : JFET Amps ; 10-660-112 , Electronics 3 : Op-Amps-Basic ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Micro 3 : Interfaces 10605165 More C language programming for arrays , logic and control , scaling , input and output , software standards , and continued use of simulation software . ( Prerequisite : 10-605-164 , Micro 2 : Technique ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Datacomm 3 : Network Protocols 10605172 Details and inner-working of network , transport , and application layers . In-depth study of protocols and services associated with each layer ( Pre-requisite : 10-605-171 , Data Comm 2 : Basic Networking ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Advanced Circuits 10662105 Solve advanced series-parallel circuits utilizing Thevenin ' s and Norton ' s Theorems , nodal analysis , superposition , complex number-based , and other circuit analysis techniques . Also includes Ideal op-amp , threephase circuits , circuit models of sensors and actuators , laboratory , simulation , and documentation . ( Prerequisite : 10-660-109 , AC 3 : RLC Circuits ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Calc Physics 1 Enhancement 10806158 Mathematical enhancement transforming General Physics 1 ( 4 cr ) into Calc-based Physics 1 ( 5 cr ). Topics include deriving fundamental kinematic equations , time-and position-varying forces , impulse , work , rotational motion , moments of inertia , simple-harmonic motion , thermodynamics . ( Prerequisite : A 4-credit , Algebra-based Physics course containing mechanics and Calculus 1 at your college . Please check with your primary college for more information .) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Power Electricity 1 : Motors 10620161 This course provides the opportunity for the student to develop the knowledge , skills , process and understanding of : Causes and results of magnetism and magnetic fields , laws of magnetic / electric interactions DC Series Permanent Magnet Shunt and Compound motor performance and operating characteristics ( Prerequisite : 10-660-116 Intro to AC / DC ) 190