NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 134

Course Descriptions
Gen Anatomy & Physiology 10806177 Overview of the human anatomy / physiology using a body-systems approach , emphasizing the interrelationships between form / function at the gross and microscopic levels . ( Prerequisite : C or better in Labbased Chemistry OR 2 semesters lab-based high school chemistry w / C or better ; AND Next Gen Rdg score greater /= to 263 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater /= to 17 ; OR prep courses-contact academic advisor at 920- 498-5444 ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Microbiology 10806197 History , morphology , physiology , nutritional growth requirements , metabolism , methods of identification . Focus on disease-causing microorganisms , appropriate prevention , treatment , control mechanisms . Specific / non-specific host defense mechanisms , applications of immunology examined . ( Prerequisite : 10-806-177 , General Anatomy & Physiology OR 10-806-114 , General Biology with a " C " or better . Health programs may require a higher grade ; refer to your plan for details ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
College 101 10890101 Students will utilize digital tools and resources to assess , explore , practice , apply , and evaluate both employability and learning skills . By establishing NWTC cultural values as hallmarks of success in academic , career , and personal settings the course encourages reflective , personalized development of a growth mindset and emphasizes the importance of making wise choices . To maximize the return on investment , students should take this course in their first semester as it identifies key expectations ( hidden rules ) of higher learning and professional employment . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Dental Health Safety 10508101 Prepares dental auxiliary students to respond proactively to dental emergencies , control infection , prevent disease , adhere to OSHA Standards , and safely manage hazardous materials . Students also take patient vital signs and collect patient medical / dental histories . CPR certification is a prerequisite ; students will be required to show proof of certification before beginning the course . ( Prerequisite : Accepted into the Dental Hygiene or Dental Assistant Programs ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall
Intro to Biochemistry 10806186 Covers organic and biological chemistry necessary for application within Nursing and other Allied Health careers . Emphasis is placed on recognizing the structure , physical properties and chemical reactions of organic molecules , body fluids and acids . Discussion of biological functions and their relationship to enzymes , proteins , lipids , carbohydrates and DNA . ( Prereq : Gen Chemistry w / C or better OR 2 semesters labbased high school chemistry w / C or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Oral Anatomy , Embry , Histology 10508102 Prepares Dental Hygienist students to apply detailed knowledge about oral anatomy to planning , implementation , assessment , and evaluation of patient care . Students identify distinguishing characteristics of normal and abnormal dental , head , and neck anatomy and its relationship to tooth development , eruption and health . ( Prerequisites : 10-806-177 , General Anatomy & Physiology , 10-508-101 , Dental Health Safety ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
Cariology 10508109 This course focuses on the characteristics and contributing factors of dental decay . Dental Hygiene students help patients minimize caries risk by developing treatment plans , communicating methods to patients , and evaluating treatment results . ( Prerequisites : 10-806-186 , Intro to Biochemistry ; 10-806-197 , Microbiology ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Dental Radiography 10508103 Prepares dental auxiliary students to operate x-ray units and expose bitewing , periapical , extra oral , and occlusal radiographs . Emphasis is placed on protection against x-ray hazards . Students also process , mount , and evaluate radiographs for diagnostic value . In this course students demonstrate competency on a manikin . In addition , students expose bitewing radiographs on a peer , role-play patient . ( Prerequisite : 10-508-101 , Dent Health Safety ; Corequisite : 10-508-102 , Oral Anat & Hist ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Dental Hygiene Process 1 10508105 Introduces Dental Hygiene students to the basic technical / clinical skills required of practicing Dental Hygienists including use of basic dental equipment , examination of patients , and procedures within the dental unit . Under the direct supervision of an instructor , students integrate hands-on skills with entry-level critical thinking and problem-solving skills . The course also reinforces the application of Dental Health Safety skills . ( Prerequisites : 10-806-186 , Intro to Biochemistry ; 10-508-101 , Dental Health Safety ; Corequisite : 10-508-102 , DH-Oral Anatomy , Embry & Histology ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
English Composition 1 10801136 Learners develop knowledge / skills in planning , organizing , writing , editing . Students will also analyze audience / purpose , use elements of research , format documents using standard guidelines , and develop critical reading skills . ( Prerequisite : High school GPA greater / equal to 2.6 ; OR ACT Reading score greater / equal to 16 AND English greater / equal to 18 ; OR Next Gen Reading score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 260 ; OR " preparatory course ( s )", contact academic advisor at 920-498-5444 ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Periodontology 10508108 This course prepares student dental hygienists to assess the periodontal health of patients , plan prevention and treatment of periodontal disease , and to evaluate the effectiveness of periodontal treatment plans . Emphasis is placed on the recognition of the signs and causes of periodontal disease and on selection of treatments modalities that minimize risk and restore periodontal health . ( Prerequisites : 10-806- 197 , Microbiology ; 10-806-186 , Intro to Biochemistry ; 10-508-102 , Oral Anatomy , Embryology & Histology ; 10-508-103 , Dental Radiography ; Corequisites : 10-508-111 , General & Oral Pathology ; 10-508-106 , Dental Hygiene Process 2 ) Course Typically Offered : Spring
Dental Hygiene Ethics & Profes 10508107 Helps student dental hygienists develop and apply high professional and ethical standards . Students apply the laws that govern the practice of dental hygiene to their work with patients , other members of a dental team and the community . Emphasis is placed on maintaining confidentiality and obtaining informed consent . Students enhance their ability to present a professional appearance . ( Co-requisite : 10-508- 105 Dental Hygiene Process 1 ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring