NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 125

Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Data Visualization 10156112
In this course , students will learn to organize , manage and analyze very large data sets from various sources . Students will use software tools to present complex data in visually meaningful representations that can be communicated to business stakeholders . Upon completion , students will learn how to transform raw data into meaningful information that will be utilized for data-driven decision making . ( Corequisite : 10-103-175 , Power BI ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Power BI 10103175 Power BI ( Business Intelligence ). This course provides an introduction and exploration of business analysis tools utilized in connecting , aggregating , and visualizing data from multiple sources to quickly summarize data . You will learn how to extract , transform , and load data , build a data model using modeling features , creating proper relationships , and design considerations . ( Prerequisite : 10-103-131 , MS Excel Intro ; 10-103-132 , MS Excel Part 2 ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Career Preparation 10105103 Create professional resume and cover letter , prepare for interviews , understand interviewing techniques , participate in a mock interview , evaluate outcomes of interview , and prepare for Career Experience . ( Prerequisites : 10-105-101 , Career Planning ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
SQL Programming 10152184 Write queries in a relational database : creating tables , setting primary / foreign keys , populating tables , manipulating data and reporting . Explore join types , stored procedures , functions , and database administration SQL statements . ( Corequisite : 10-154-125 , Database Development ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Programming in R 10152160 In this course , students will learn to use the R programming language to analyze data . Students will learn the syntax and data structures of the R language , and how to apply the language to perform traditional statistical analysis , such as means testing , variable correlations , and linear regressions . Upon completion , students will be able to create R programs to process data and create meaningful output rooted in sound statistical techniques . ( Corequisite : 10-804-189 , Introductory Statistics ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Data Analytics 10156114 Will provide business analysis and make focused organizational decisions by mining , aggregating , and conducting descriptive , prescriptive , and predictive analytics on big data using a variety of analytic tools . ( For students in the Data Analyst program only - Prerequisite : 10-156-112 , Data Visualization ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Intro to Psychology 10809198 Survey of theoretical foundations of human behavior such as sensation and perception , motivation , emotions , learning , personality , psychological disorders , therapy , stress , and human diversity in personal , social and vocational settings . ( Prerequisite : Cumulative GPA of 2.6 or greater OR satisfactory reading and writing assessment scores OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing 1 with " B " or better OR Corequisite : 10-831-102 , English Comp Prep ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Team Building / Prob Solve 10196189 Benefits and challenges of group work , necessary roles in a team , stages of team development , meeting facilitation , different approaches to problem solving , consensus , data acquisition , analysis , developing alternative solutions , implementation and evaluation . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Lean Operations 10182111 Develop knowledge skills , process of lean operations management / JIT , quality management , quality control , continuous improvement methodologies , statistical process control chart interpretation , material handling and production logistics . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Lean Manufacturing 10182112 Develop knowledge skills process of lean manufacturing / JIT environment , systems approach , productivity attainment , line balancing , kaizen , Kanban , 5S system , value stream mapping , human resource development and lean operations management . ( Corequisite : 10-182-111 , Lean Operations ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Data Analytics 2 10156110 In this course , students will build upon the skills learned in Data Analytics 1 . Students will learn to work with large data sets and organize that information for effective data analysis . Students utilize commercial data analysis software packages , and create custom computer programs to analyze data . Upon completion of the course , students will be able to perform analysis of relevant data with various software tools , and use the generated information to help make informed business decisions . ( Prerequisite : 10-156-114 , Data Analytics ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Elective 10999997 Please see Curriculum Note for more information about suggested electives . Course Typically Offered :
Lean Six Sigma 10182114 Develop a general awareness of Lean Six Sigma : what it is , why it matters , what makes it successful . This course provides an overview of Six Sigma concepts and language and an introduction to the Define- Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control ( DMAIC ) process improvement cycle . This course will prepare you to take the green belt six sigma certification . ( Corequisite : 10-182-112 , Lean Manufacturing ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Oral / Interpersonal Comm 10801196 This course focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation , group activity , and other projects . The study of self , conflict , and cultural contexts will be explored , as well as their impact on communication . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 237 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 AND English score greater / equal to 16 ; OR preparatory course-contact an academic advisor at 920-498-5444 ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Intro to Diversity Studies 115 10809172