NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 113

assessments , and demonstrate an apprach vehicle contact in various simulated situations . ( Prerequisite : 10 504 200 Law Enforcement Basics ; Corequisites : all 10 504 XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Spring
Law Enforcement Foundations 10504204
In this course , students will have the opportunity to learn an organized approach to problem solving and decision making , which officers use to resolve a wide variety of problems , compare personal beliefs to the beliefs of the law enforcement profession and analyze situations and defend the choices they make . Students will learn about the importance of proper communication with other cultures and the importance of being responsive to the beliefs , practices and cultural needs of different people with diverse backgrounds who live in the community and be introduced to the basic concepts of interviewing witnesses and victims . Being able to accurately and fairly convey information in law enforcement is an important aspect of the profession . Students will learn the mechanics of law enforcement report writing , focus on importance of field notes and learn how to write a variety of reports . ( Prerequisite : 10-504-200 Law Enforcement Basics ; Corequisites : all 10-504-XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Spring
Law Enforcement Medical Interv 10504205 Students will have the opportunity to learn how to perform an initial medical assessment for an injury or medical condition , how to provide immediate treatment for a variety of injuries and conditions , and how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) and use an automated external defibrillator ( AED ). Recruits will be certified First Aid and CPR / AED to give them the basic skills they need to know to provide help to injured people until more medically trained arrive on scene and take over . Components of a healthy lifestyle , stress relaxation techniques , and how to implement healthy habits are also included in this course . ( Prerequisite : 10-504-200 Law Enforcement Basics ; Corequisites : all 10-504-XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Spring
Physical Fitness Phase I 10504711 Students will participate in physical activity and learn healthy lifestyle choices for the law enforcement career . ( Prerequisites : accepted to the Criminal Justice Law Enforcement program ; 10-504-191 , LEAD Employment Strategies ; Corequisites : all 10-504-XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Spring
Investigative Basics 10504207 In this course students will continue learning about criminal procedure with special focus on the search warrant requirement and the exceptions to it . Students will learn the role of law enforcement communication and how to apply specific communication skills and strategies in a variety of simulated situations including under stress or while in simulated danger . Students will learn to recognize , process , and preserve physical evidence , including an introduction to collecting and packaging evidence . ( Prerequisite : 10-504-203 Fundamentals of Patrol ; Corequisites : all 10-504-XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
Advanced DAAT 10504209 In this phase two course , students will learn the legal basis and limitations on the use of force , the incident response and disturbance resolution models , approach considerations , intervention options , and follow-through considerations . Included in the discussion on the disturbance resolution model is a discussion on protocols for off-duty actions . Students will learn the recommendations and protocols for offduty response and guidelines for interaction between on-duty and off-duty , retired , and plainclothes officers . ( Prerequisite : 10-504-206 Emergency Vehicle Strategies ; Corequisites : all 10-504-XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
Advanced Firearms 10504210 In this phase two course , students will expand upon their previous firearms training . Students will review and practice firearms safety and care , basic shooting fundamentals , and clearing malfunctions . Students will learn the legal basis and limitations on the use of deadly force , make deadly force decisions , engage in movement and changing positions , and practice in live-fire exercises . Students must qualify with a semi-automatic pistol using the state qualification course . Students will learn how to identify , unload , and secure non-duty firearms . Finally , students will also learn how to safely handle , use , and care for a rifle , including basic shooting fundamentals , clearing malfunctions , positions , and movement practiced with a rifle in live-fire exercises . Students must qualify with a rifle using the state qualification course . ( Prerequisite : 10-504-206 Emergency Vehicle Strategies ; Corequisites : all 10-504-XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
Emergency Vehicle Strategies 10504206 Students will have the opportunity to learn the legal basis and limitations on the use of non-emergency and emergency driving , demonstrate basic patrol operation , emergency vehicle response , and pursuit driving , determine the appropriate type of contact , and conduct approach , non-approach and high-risk vehicle contacts in simulated situations . ( Prerequisite : 10-504-203 Fundamentals of Patrol ; Corequisites : all 10-504-XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
Emergency Tactical Response 10504208 Students train in basic concepts and tactics related to approaching , controlling , and intervening in unknown-risk and high-risk situations , including ongoing deadly assaults . Students will learn principles , guidelines and techniques for law enforcement response to persons with possible mental disorders , alcohol or drug problems , dementia disorders , and / or developmental disabilities . ( Prerequisite : 10-504-203 Fundamentals of Patrol ; Corequisites : all 10-504-XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
Intro to Diversity Studies 10809172 Basic American values of justice and equality by teaching vocabulary , history of immigration / conquest , transcultural communication , legal liability , multicultural majority / minority relations , ageism , sexism , gender , sexual orientation , the disabled / ADA . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 237 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 AND English greater / equal to 15 ; OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing with a B or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Physical Fitness Phase II 10504712 Students will participate in physical activity building off of Phase I and learn healthy lifestyle choices for the law enforcement career . ( Prerequisites : 10-504-711 Physical Fitness Phase I ; Corequisites : all 10-504- XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Fall
Law Enforcement Internship 10504176 " hands-on " law enforcement phases , monitored by an agency-approved police officer and college instructor . ( Corequisite : All 10-504-XXX courses in the current semester ) Course Typically Offered : Spring
PS-Job Interviews 10504197 Provides the opportunity for the learner to prepare for the public safety hiring process with an emphasis on oral board interviews . ( Prerequisite : 10-504-128 , PS - Employment Strategies OR 10-504-191 , LEAD Employment Strategies ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Advanced Policing 10504211 In this course students will to apply appropriate strategies to locate , handle , and package evidentiary items while maintaining the chain of custody . There will also be emphasis placed on the preserving , handling and collecting of digital evidence such as computers and cell phones . Students will also be required to demonstrate a search and proper documentation of a simulated crime scene . During 103 simulated scenarios