A lively discussion was held on the Trump election and subsequent months
of office. None of us thought he would get in and are worried about his
unpredictable, belligerent and unreliable style of leadership. Unanimously
we feel Donald Trump has added more fear into the world especially with
his handling of North Korea and Syria. We covered topics like his
relationship with Putin, the G20 meeting, the Paris Climate Accord,
sacking of the FBI Director James Comey, the Mexican wall and his
family’s involvement in the election. He has left all of us with a lack of
trust. Trump stands out from other Presidents because he uses childish
Tweets to vent his anger: “You are witnessing the greatest WITCH HUNT
in American political history.”
Our NWR meeting in August was an interesting discussion on Child
Protection in Queensland.
A very wide topic but mostly we discussed why there appeared trouble within
the department such as staff shortages, burn out of investigators thus losing
consistency with clients.
Some of the causes of child abuse suggested were poverty, mental health,
unemployment and probably just as important parents that just couldn't cope
(probably because of some of the above problems)!
We found it difficult to find a solution except for more funding. Even though
there have been many investigations, results do seem (to the general public)
not very satisfactory. Talking to people working in the department, success is
often achieved but mistakes do happen (as staff are only human)! They feel
good results are achieved in this difficult area at times.