NWR Newsletter 2017 v1 | Page 7

What about the talk in the Hills , NSW ?

The Hills Group

May 2015 Marlene Murrows , LO
My report for this year so far : The Hills Group is going very well with 19 members . Our focus this year is the Conference and trying to make it another memorable event .
Our members are very generous and lovely people who volunteer their homes for our 2 nd Thursday of the month meetings .
The February meeting was devoted to the Conference , with each of us airing ideas and possible venues , speakers , etc .
Our speaker at the March meeting was Rosie Langley who supports the Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia . She told an interesting story of her fund-raising for the Hamlin charity and a recent visit to Ethiopia , so we got a first-hand account of the hospital . It was quite an amazing talk .
The April meeting was ‘ Research an historical figure ’. We each , by chance , chose quite different characters , ranging from Catherine the Great , through to Mary Reibey ( ex-convict ) and Sir Paul Edmund deStrezlecki ( explorer ) of Strezlecki Track fame .
We very much enjoy these meetings as we all have our chance to speak and learn , and it ’ s all presented in a pleasant , relaxed way .