by Roey Mobley
Milestone Walking Horses
Consignment Items
Consignment items can be dropped off for sale at the beginning of The National .
Accepted items include , but are not limited to : day coats , vests , jodphurs , western show shirts and jackets , chaps , ties , derbies , western show hats and boots . Saddles ( with stands ), show bridles , show halters , and show pads can be accepted at the show . All other tack items must be pre-approved due to space constraint .
Items can also be donated to the consignment rack for a full donation to the NWHA .
More Information
Each year , Roey Mobley of Milestone Walking Horses donates 15 % of proceeds from the consignment sales to The National Walking Horse Association . If you are interested in bringing items for either consignment or the Pay It Forward Rack , please contact Roey Mobley at ro _ n _ lo @ yahoo . com . For consignment items , please bring items with a price list . Roey handles the tagging of items , and allows items to be shipped to her directly .
Roey Mobley | Milestone Walking Horses
Pay It Forward Rack
Donate your items to the “ Leave Some , Take Some - Free Stuff ” area . Simply drop your items in the bin , or hang on the rack . Take what you want – leave what you don ’ t . Items typically added daily !
at The National
14 NWHA National News | July 2024