NWG Annual Report 2019 - EN NWG Annual Report 2019 - EN | Page 74

NWG // FINANCIAL INFORMATION // Financial instruments with a remaining maturity of less than twelve months is normally classified as as current assets and liabilities and financial instruments that exceed twelve months is normally classified as non-current assets and liabilities. A financial asset is derecognized from the Group´s consolidated balance sheet when the rights inherent in the agree- ment are realized or expires or if the Group loses control over them. The same applies to a portion of a financial asset. A financial liability is derecognized from the Group´s consolidated balance sheet when the obligation in the agreement is fulfilled or otherwise ceases to apply. The same applies to part of a financial liability. On the acquisition date, New Wave Group classifies financial instruments into the following categories: Financial assets measured at amortized cost The Group’s financial assets measured at amortized cost are essentially accounts receivable, other receivables and liquid assets. Liquid assets comprise liquid bank deposits and available cash. Accounts receivable include invoiced as well as non-invoiced receivables (recognized when the Group’s right to payment is assessed as unconditional). The expected maturity of accounts receivable is short, and the value is therefore recognized at nominal amount without discounting. New Wave Group applies the simplified model for expected credit losses on accounts receivable, at which total expected credit losses for the remaining maturity of the receivable are recognized. When assessing future expected credit losses, both historical and forward-looking information is taken into account. Change of provision for expected credit losses on accounts receivable is recognized in the income statement under external expenses. The change of the year is provided in note 17. 074 // ANNUAL REPORT THE GROUP Financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss The Group does not have any financial assets measured at fair value in the income statement in 2019 and 2018. Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income New Wave Group uses derivatives, essen- tially currency futures, to manage financial risks. Financial instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income consist of hedge instruments which form part of an effective cash-flow hedge. Changes in value for such instruments are recognized in other comprehensive income. Cash-flow hedges are reclassified to the income statement in the period or periods when the hedged flows affect the Group’s consolidated income statement. However, if a planned transaction or an assumed obligation is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss recog- nized in other comprehensive income, from the period in which the hedge was applied, is immediately transferred to the Group´s consolidated income statement. Disclosures on individual hedges are provided in note 17. Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost The Group’s financial liabilities measured at amortized cost are essentially inte- rest-bearing liabilities, accounts payable, other liabilities and accrued expenses. Interest-bearing liabilities consist of liabilities to credit institutions and lease liabilities, see section Leases for measu- rement and valuation of lease liabilities. After the initial valuation, to fair value less transaction costs, liabilities to credit insti- tutions are measured at amortized cost by applying the effective interest method. The expected maturity of accounts payable is short and the item is therefore recog- nized at the nominal amount without discounting. Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss Financial liabilities measured at fair value through the income statement consist of liabilities related to contracted supplementary considerations. Changes in value relating to contracted supple- mentary considerations is valued at fair value through the Group’s consolidated income statement and are recognized as other operating income or other operating costs in the Group´s consolidated income statement if the changes occur within one year after the acquisition date. Financial liabilities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income New Wave Group uses derivatives, essentially currency futures, to manage financial risks. See section Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income for a description on measurement and valuation. Leases The Group assesses at contract inception whether an agreement is, or contains, a lease. That is, if the agreement conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for considerations. The Group once again assesses if an agreement is or contains a lease if the terms and conditions of the agreement change. Lease agreements are recognized as right-of-use assets as well as interest- bearing lease liabilities in the Group´s balance sheet. Lease liabilities are recog- nized within long-term interest-bearing liabilities and short-term interest-bearing liabilities in the Group´s balance sheet and are measured at the present value of future lease payments. In calculating the present value of lease payments, the Group uses its incremental borrowing rate at the lease commencement date if there does not exist an implicit rate in the agreement. The