NWG Annual Report 2019 - EN NWG Annual Report 2019 - EN | Page 70

NWG // FINANCIAL INFORMATION // THE GROUP Note 1 - Accounting policies Basis of preparation The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the EU. Recommendation RFR 1 Supplementary Accounting Rules for Corporate Groups of the Swedish Financial Reporting Board has also been applied, which means that certain additional disclosures are provided in the consolidated financial statements. The accounting policies presented in the following description have been applied consistently in the entire Group for all periods presented in the consolidated financial statements. The financial state- ments are prepared in Swedish kronor, which is the reporting currency of New Wave Group. Preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires that management make certain assessments, estimates and assumptions. Critical esti- mates and assessments are in all essential based on historical experience and expected future events. Estimates, assess- ments and assumptions are reviewed on a regular basis. Changes are reported in the period in which the change is implemented and in future periods if these are affected. Information on areas where applied esti- mates and assessments contain an element of uncertainty is provided in note 2. Fixed assets, non-current liabi- lities and provisions consist essentially of amounts that are expected to be reco- vered or paid later than twelve months from the balance sheet date. Current assets and current liabilities essentially consist of amounts that are expected to be recovered or paid within twelve months of the balance sheet date. New and amended accounting policies New accounting policies for 2019 As of January 1, 2019, New Wave Group applies IFRS 16 Leases which have replaced IAS 17 Leases. 070 // ANNUAL REPORT Reconciliation from IAS 17 to IFRS 16 SEK million Commitments for operational leasing agreements as per December 31 2018 764.4 Addition: adjustments related to options to extend or terminate agreements 61.6 Reduction: short-term lease agreements and leasing agreements for low-value assets which are expensed on a straight-line basis Reduction: adjustments related to price changes attributable to variable fees -13.1 -7.1 Reduction: adjustments related to agreements for which the commencement date have not been passed at transition to IFRS 16 -85.3 Discount effect -79.6 Opening balance for right-of-use asset and lease liability as per January 1 2019 The standard represents a new framework for recognizing leases with additional disclosure requirements. The Group is only a lessee and not a lessor and the impact of implementing the standard is therefore only related to lessee accounting. Implementing the new lease accounting for lessees has resulted in increased assets and interest-bearing liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet. The impact on the Group’s consolidated income statement is that lease costs, prior year recorded as external costs, are divided as amortization of lease liability and interest cost. The Group’s consolidated income statement is also affected by increased depreciation related to right-of-use assets. The lease liability is measured at the present value of outstanding lease payments. The Group has applied the simplified transition method and has not recalculated the comparative figures. The simplification rule, that the right-of-use asset shall correspond to the leasing liability, has been applied as per trans- ition date January 1, 2019. As a result thereof, no transition effect is recorded in the equity of the Group. The Group has chosen to use the practical expedients and excluded lease agreements with a lease term of less than 12 months (short-term lease agreements) and leasing agreements for assets that have a low value. The Group has also chosen to apply the simplification rule for the definition of lease agreements and include non-leasing components as part of the right-of-use asset and the lease liability. 641.0 As per transition date January 1, 2019, the Group recognized right-of-use assets and as well as a leasing liabilities amounting to SEK 641 million. The right-of-use assets have been recorded as tangible assets in the Group’s consolidated balance sheet and the lease liabilities as long- and short-term interest-bearing liabilities in the Group’s consolidated balance sheet. For a reconciliation from the commit- ments for operational leasing agreements as per December 31, 2018, according to IAS 17, to the opening balance for the right-of-use asset and leasing liability as at January 1, 2019 see the above table. In connection with the transition, it was assessed as reasonably certain that extension options for a number of agreements would be exercised. The lease liability was discounted at the Group’s incremental borrowing rate as at January 1, 2019. The average incre- mental borrowing rate was 2.7 % as at January 1, 2019. For disclosure of the impact on 2019 year figures see note 30. Complete accounting policies for leases are presented below in the section Leases. Several other amendments of current accounting standards and interpreta- tions apply for the first time in 2019, but do not have an impact on the consolidated financial statements of the Group. The Group has not early adopted any stan- dards, interpretations or amendments that have been issued but are not yet effective.