NW Michigan Food and Farming Network Report to the Community 2015 Report to the Community | Page 38

Food and Farming network Networks Northwest Offering a Menu of Support Services Regional plans support food, farming viability By Susan Cocciarelli Networks Northwest Networks Northwest, formerly Northwest Michigan Council of Governments, is a regional organization serving businesses, nonprofits, community organizations, individuals, and units of government. Our mission is to build stronger communities and enhance the quality of life in Northwest Michigan. Food and farming are cornerstones of northwest Michigan’s economy, identity, and quality of life. Farms play an important role in the growing demand for local food. As farmers and food producers innovate and diversify, new job opportunities and expanding markets grow. Networks Northwest offers access to diverse information, programs, and services related to the priorities and policies impacting the continued viability of the region’s food and farming economy. Planning and Policy In 2014, Networks Northwest released “The Framework for Our Future: A Regional Prosperity Plan for Northwest Michigan,” a regional resource for communities working to meet local goals. The framework was developed, with participation from a broad range of community leaders, stakeholders, and the public as part of Michigan’s Regional Prosperity In 2014, Networks Northwest released “The Framework for Our Future: A Regional Prosperity Plan for Northwest Michigan”, a regional resource for communities working to meet local goals. Initiative. It includes a wealth of information and tools that all parts of the community—the public, community leaders, businesses, nonprofits, public agencies, and statewide stakeholders—can use to supplement their local deliberation, planning, and decision-making processes. “A Framework for Food & Farming in Northwest Michigan” identifies ways that local policies, incentives, and community initiatives can support and encourage farming operations while also ensuring food access and security in northwest Michigan. In addition to the information and strategies included in the “Frame33 work for Food and Farming,” Networks Northwest has also developed a policy guidebook called “Food Innovation Districts: An Economic Gardening Guide,” a package of how-to information and examples that can help local governments and other stakeholders benefit from the growing market and community demand for local and regional food. The guidebook identifies a process for developing food innovation districts that support economic gardening concepts through the co-location and collaboration of food businesses of different types. www.networksnorthwest.org