NW Georgia Living Jan/Feb 2025 | Page 14

Leanne Cook

Getting to Know …

Leanne Cook

Executive director , Rome International Film Festival

Famed actor Burt Reynolds once called the Rome International Film Festival ( RIFF ) “ the best festival I ’ ve ever attended ,” so you can imagine that as the executive director of that festival , you have big shoes to fill . Leanne Cook , a former marketing exec and devoted arts supporter , happily stepped into those shoes in early 2023 , having seen it as “ the best way I could help build our flourishing arts community here in Northwest Georgia .”

The Rome International Film Festival , which takes place over four days each fall , showcases dozens of independent films from across the globe and draws stars like Billy Bob Thornton , Jasmine Guy , and Ethan Hawke . As the festival ’ s executive director , Cook says her major role is thinking about the target audiences and how they can make sure the festival meets their needs and desires . She also draws from her experience with another Georgia film festival , the Savannah Film Festival , but says it ’ s hard to compare the two because the Savannah festival “ had a whole pile of money ” while the RIFF is “ a scrappy little nonprofit powered by passionate volunteers .”
That doesn ’ t keep Cook from having big plans for the festival , which includes moving more into year-round programming . This spring , for example , they have a familyfriendly film series planned . (“ Go ahead and start thinking about your costumes for our Grease dress-up and sing-along event on April 4 ,” she says .) There ’ s also a Community Conversations documentary series that touches on topics like racism and literacy . “ We invite experts from around the region to have a conversation about a film and the ways we ’ re dealing with the situation right here in Floyd County ,” says Cook . “ So that ’ s the kind of programming we are adding more of — films that promote fun and films that promote communication .”
Cook isn ’ t the only one in her family working for the betterment of the region . She ’ s married to Joe Cook , a local river guide and author of a series of user guides to the Etowah , Chattahoochee , and other rivers . “ Everyone knows Joe ,” she says . “ A lot of times if someone is introducing me , they ’ ll say , ‘ She ’ s Joe Cook ’ s wife . You know , the river guy .’ I ’ m very proud to be married to him . He does as much or perhaps more
“ It was the best way I could help build our flourishing arts community here in Northwest Georgia .”
than anyone to keep Georgia ’ s rivers clean and accessible for everyone .”
Ironically , their first date was to the movies . They had met in an Old Testament class at Berry College , but the relationship never progressed because Cook planned to move to England after graduation . Then , 25 years later , they met up again at a Berry event and Cook thought to herself , “ What was I thinking not wanting to date him in college ? He ’ s so great !” They married a year later . Here ’ s more insight into the life of this amazing Rome resident : My favorite movie of all time is … Henry V . When Kenneth Branagh is talking to his fellow soldiers and says , “ We few , we happy few , we band of brothers .” Wow . Chills every time . My favorite film genre is … sci-fi adventure . And if it ’ s about time travel , so much the better . A location in Northwest Georgia that would make an excellent movie backdrop would be … anywhere in Between the Rivers , the historic , hilly district in downtown Rome . All the houses and yards are so beautiful . And the Clocktower is made to be the scene of a big proposal or time travel event . The best advice I ever received was … count to 10 , then speak . I can ’ t go a day without … a Diet Coke . I ’ ve graduated to caffeinefree , but I love Diet Coke . To unwind , I … sit on my side of the bed with a cat and listen to an Audible book . I ’ m deathly afraid of … snakes and rats . Things my cat brings into the house . My last meal would be … a pizza from Schroeder ’ s . Or curry from Yummy Thai . With a Diet Coke , of course .