Norther n V i r g i n ia Conservation Tr ust
The Northern Virginia Conservation Trust is grateful to the many individuals and organizations who have chosen to conserve their land in perpetuity and have entrusted this precious gift to the Trust . Each easement and land donor leaves a legacy of conservation to future generations .
Mildred H . Allan Anna Beck William Henry Bennink Joseph L . and Pamela R . Bianculli Richard W . and Joan M . Bliss David N . and Laurel A . Bosserman Robert L . and Patricia M . Brutsche John Buck and Ramona Buck Burkgren Family Thomas D . Cafferty and Debra S . Cafferty Douglas A . and Barbara B . Cobb Betsy C . Cooke and James R . Cooke Patric E . Copeland and Maura Walsh-Copeland Emily P . Corbin Steven C . Cox and Avis A . Renshaw Earl W . and Louise L . Coxe John H . Cunningham and Holly L . Cuningham Charles and Gail Davenport June Dinterman and David Dinterman
Daniel H . DuVal , Clive L . DuVal III , Karen L . Keys DuVal
Eagle Family Charlotte Fredette Smith Eagle John D . Evans and Jeanne B . Evans Julie H . Evans Robert J . and Lorraine H . Evans Gangi Family Jacqueline Geschickter Donald and Joan Greeley Donna G . Haldane Samuel Halpern and Kathryn D . Halpern Michael K . Hambrick and June Hambrick Darelyn W . Handley and Rebecca H . Foster Richard and Rene Hasey Osborne I . Hauge Gordon Hawthorne David J . Hayes and Elizabeth Haile Hayes George D . Heffner Jr . and Holly Renee Heffner Jane Pamelia Henriksen and Soren W . Henriksen
Julie Ann Hogan Jon D . Jacobs and Elizabeth M . Clagett Dawn L . Johnson W . Cleve Johnson Luan Kluge Ronald J . Knecht Michael and Martha Koleda Montie Claire Kust Robert and Miriam Laughlin
Marc N . Leepson and Janna Lee Murphy Leepson
Reese A . and Virginia Lewis Karl Liewer Jeffrey J . Lindsay and Sally Lindsay Johannes and Priscilla Linn Helen W . Lucas Lester Miles Lucas Joseph A . MacInnis John Charles Martin Jr . and Jill Mikols Martin William McAfee Trust Michele McAuliff Wilmer T . Merchant Joseph A . Miller Johnathan Miller and Elizabeth Thompson William V . and Dorothy K . Millman David H . Moyes and Ann I . Ma Robert G . and Barbara E . Narins Jean K . Nielsen Edward Newberry and Molly Newberry John J . Norman Jr . and Elizabeth T . Norman Klaus Helmar Ochs Jonathan Ortmans and Anne Ortmans Donald J . and Amy E . Owen Gary L . Patrick and Betty A . Patrick David M . Phillips Jr . and Nancy E . Phillips Brooks C . Place and Diana P . Dunbar Charles and Cynthia Plante Michael and Joan Poppalardo Christopher and Karen Redfern
Robin O . Rentsch Ellen P . Richards Lily Ruckstuhl , M . D . Nicholas C . Ruffin Mary Shand Rule Rutledge Family Richard H . Ryan and Mary K . Ryan Jozef F . and De Ron M . Senna Marilyn J . Shoaff John T . Siegel and Elizabeth G . Siegel Paul M . Siegel and Elizabeth A . Martin
Gary Simanson and Private Historic Preservation Group
Charles W . Sloan and Daphne D . Sloan Stephen J . Solarz and Nina K . Solarz Adrienne M . Stefan Milton Stevens and Priscilla Stevens Jacklyn G . Sunderland Symmes Family Michael B . Thornton and Alexandra D . Thornton Kathleen S . Timblin Larry G . Valade and Thyra Valade Waggaman Family Trust Michael G . and Denise D . Wight
Homeowner Associations , Other Organizations
Air Force Association Battery Heights Homeowners Association
Clifton Betterment Association Town Improvement Fund
Country Club Hills Recreation Corporation Falls Church Scout Building Association McLean Land Conservancy National Rifle Association Foundation Quebec Parc Homeowners Association Stonebridge Investments
The Woodmont of Arlington Homeowners Association
Six newest conservation landowners and donors are indicated by bold type
Northern Virginia Conservation Trust 4022-A Hummer Road , Annandale , VA 22003 703.354.5093 www . nvct . org
NVCT is a 501 ( c )( 3 ) charitable organization