No r t h e r n V i r g i n i a C o n s e r v a t i on T r u s t
Donated Land on Crow’s Nest Peninsula Protects a Treasure
The Crow’s Nest Peninsula in Stafford County is an area rich in Virginia history,
biological diversity, and scenic beauty. Much of the land is undeveloped and
heavily forested, with 2,872 acres protected in the Crow’s Nest Natural Area
Preserve. The Trust owns nine parcels adjacent to the Preserve, including the
newest 2-acre gift of natural land that had once been part of a planned community.
NVCT is committed to conserving this treasured area that includes 1,300 acres of
wetlands and globally rare forest types and is home to nesting bald eagles, some
22 significant plant species, and habitat for the threatened short-nose sturgeon.
20 Acres of Open Grassland in Loudoun County Saved
Landowners near Round Hill worked with NVCT to protect 20 valuable acres in
Loudoun County. They first purchased land to build an energy-efficient home,
then bought the adjacent parcel next to theirs to maintain the open grasslands.
The conservation easement protects rural scenic views in the Beaverdam Creek
Historic Roadways District, and the land features an old orchard, brand new
hop trellises, milkweed for monarch butterflies, and a stream in the Goose
Creek watershed.
Conserving Land Buffering Hallowed Ground
NVCT has protected 90 acres of forest and pasture land next to the Manassas
National Battlefield and Bull Run in Fairfax County. The property is owned by
Stonebridge Investments and is NVCT's 100th conservation easement. Jon Hickox,
managing member of Stonebridge Investments, says, “This is a special place. I am
immensely proud of what we are doing. Nobody ever truly ‘owns’ the land — we are
all just temporary stewards. It is great to pass something genuinely untouched on
to those in the future.” Hickox is president of The Winery at Bull Run which is
adjacent to the property.
An “Assist” in Saving a Historic 245-year-old-house in Alexandria
The City of Alexandria acquired the historic Murray-Dick-Fawcett House in Old
Town, one of the earliest homes in the City and one of the least-altered 18th
century homes in the area. NVCT was recognized at the opening ceremony for
technical assistance with the acquisition. The home was offered in a bargain sale
by long-time owner C. Joseph Reeder. The $1.25 million dollar purchase was
funded by the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation and the Virginia Outdoors
Annual Report FY 2017 n 5