Nuzuna Magazine January 2022 | Page 6



BY ANGIE DUONG act as a resistance , making each exercise movement more effective , which in turn delivers results three times faster than any traditional workout .

Nuzuna ’ s SUPER-SUIT is an innovative wireless exercise and post-rehabilitation fullbody wearable technology that delivers low to mid-range electrical current directly through the skin to cause muscle contractions . This technology is commonly known as Electro Muscle Stimulation ( EMS ) also referred to as neuromuscular electrical stimulation ( NMES ). The impulses are generated by a device and are delivered through 20 preplaced electrodes on the skin near to all the major muscles being stimulated .

EMS isn ’ t a new technology , but it ’ s become more popular in recent years . Trainers , professional athletes , and health practitioners have begun to use EMS for its potential medical benefits . Research conducted by sports scientists , Dr . William Kraemer and Dr . Vladimir Zatsiorsky ,
cited EMS as an effective technique for sports training . The technology is used for strength training , rehab and injury prevention , post-exercise recovery , as well as a testing tool for evaluating neural and / or muscular function .
What is a SUPER-SUIT ?
Combining various workout styles with Nuzuna ’ s SUPER-SUIT technology creates automatic muscle contraction through the use of frequency impulses . These impulses mimic the natural action of our central nervous system , allowing electrical impulses to be sent in order to contract nearly 90 % of the muscles simultaneously .
When nearly 90 % of the muscle fibers are activated ; that ’ s nearly 350 muscles working simultaneously ; contracting roughly 36,000 times in a 20-minute session . As a result , these contractions
What are the Benefits of SUPER-SUIT ?
Nuzuna ’ s SUPER-SUIT is used to enhance weight loss , bodybuilding , sports performance , and rehabilitation or recovery . It can be used to urge both major and deep muscles to work harder than their capability . This process allows your body to set a new height of physical performance , making overcoming your fitness plateau possible . The technology may also be used to prevent muscle atrophy in patients who have immobilized limbs or limited movement of a limb .
SUPER-SUIT benefits the user both by what it does and doesn ’ t do to the body . SUPER-SUIT exercise requires little to no weight during the exercise session , therefore , it places less stress on the heart , joints , tendons , and minimizes the risk of self-injury . It can also detect muscle imbalances and helps isolate and strengthen weaker muscles leading to an overall stronger body .
SUPER-SUIT may provide benefits for medical , cosmetic , and performance . Here are a few of the key potential benefits associated with Nuzuna ’ s SUPER-SUIT :
Potential Medical Benefits of SUPER-SUIT :
• Relaxation of muscle spasms
• Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy
• Increasing local blood circulation
• Muscle re-education
• Immediate post-surgical stimulation of muscles
• Increasing range of motion