Nuzuna Magazine January 2022 | Page 26




Most people are aware of the potential medical benefits of SUPER-SUIT but very few are aware that there are plenty of potential cosmetic benefits as well . Nuzuna ’ s SUPER-SUIT is an innovative wireless exercise and post-rehabilitation full-body wearable technology that delivers Electro Muscle Stimulation ( EMS ) directly to the muscles .

SUPER-SUIT and Increased Blood Flow
SUPER-SUIT exercise has been proven to quickly increase proper blood flow throughout the entire body . The cosmetic benefits of increased blood flow can bring great nutrients to our cells and clear out the waste from our cells . You can imagine that increased blood flow does wonders for the skin .
You would be correct . Increased blood flow helps to even out your skin tone and get rid of discoloration or blotchy skin . It also detoxifies your skin and keeps the complexion healthy , clear , and bright . It can also combat wrinkles and aging skin . Blood rushing into the tissue will bring vitamins and nutrients to tired skin , promoting new and fresh cell growth , filling in fine lines and wrinkles .
SUPER-SUIT and Body Contouring Cellulite and bumpy skin are sore subjects for some people . No matter what they do , they can ’ t seem to get rid of their cellulite in certain parts of the body , especially the buttocks and the back of the thighs . Even those who aren ’ t overweight
can suffer from this problem .
Nuzuna ’ s SUPER-SUIT anti-cellulite program has shown to be a promising treatment effective in combating cellulite . Cellulite is caused by the accumulation of fat under the skin due to a variety of probable causes . It can fight many of these factors by increasing proper blood flow to the affected area , eliminating toxins by helping to flush them out of the system , and burning fat causing the cellulite to form in the first place .
There are three types of cellulite : hard cellulite , soft cellulite , and edematous cellulitis . The SUPER-SUIT anti-cellulite program can help treat all three types . It does this by increasing the blood flow to the cells , causing new cell growth , and tightening muscles under the skin to “ shrink ” sagging skin . It will take approximately six weeks of two or three sessions per week to notice visible results .
SUPER-SUIT exercise clearly has plenty of possible cosmetic benefits that you can take advantage of . Whether you are looking to firm and tone your skin , get rid of cellulite , or burn fat , Nuzuna ’ s SUPER- SUIT exercise could be for you .
It is important to note that results will differ from person to person and what works for some might not work for others . You can greatly improve your results by being regularly active and eating a healthy diet as well as drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of rest .
SUPER-SUIT exercise is not meant to replace this healthy lifestyle but could help you reach your aesthetic goals .