Nuzuna Magazine January 2022 | Page 22




Most people will , at some point , get a wake-up call about their health . This wake-up call comes in a variety of forms ; sometimes it is chronic back pain , nagging headaches , neck or joint stiffness , fatigue during simple tasks , an unsettling number on your weight scale , or your doctor recommending a lifestyle change .

Wake-up calls are scary . Making lifestyle changes for the sake of your long-term health can at times feel like a daunting , almost impossible task . The time commitment of carving out time to exercise , the nutritional learning curve , and thought of a new financial burden for your health are all common , and understandable reasons why many folks struggle to commitment to investing in their health .
An individual ’ s health is an investment of time and money , and the return on that investment is , at its best , an improvement on one ’ s physical , mental , and emotional wellbeing . The later that one starts that investment , the more expensive and burdensome that investment becomes . Beginning that investment any time later than as soon as possible , will often result in needing to dedicate more time and money due to how much needs to change .
Throughout my teenage years and most of the 20s , the primary catalyst for my health and fitness was an athletic pursuit . I ran cross-country and track in high school , and the return on my investment landed me a scholarship to compete for Concordia University of Irvine . I was highly efficient at the five fitness components : cardiovascular endurance , muscle strength , muscle endurance , flexibility , and body composition . Becoming the best athlete and competitor I could be was my primary objective , and developing healthy habits and lifestyle was a byproduct of that . I stopped running competitively three years after I graduated college .
I stopped competing because I was in a serious relationship with a future that required me to reprioritize my commitments and work more to provide some financial stability . While I was becoming a more responsible adult , I made a critical error in my reprioritization plan ; I still forced myself to put in the same number of hours and effort into my workouts . This meant that I was working 35-40 hours per week , running 10-12 hours per week , 7-8 hours per week lifting , and often sleeping only 5.5-7 hours per night .
I still made time to spend with my significant other ( who is now my wife ), but I was committing a part-time job amount of time towards my fitness and was not able to sleep enough , thus resulting in nagging pain and injuries . This was not sustainable and over time I had to cut out lifting altogether and only run 5-6 hours per week . While I was still getting the recommended amount of exercise for the general population , I had started to notice slow changes in my body composition .
After about 10-months of this reduction in my exercise routine , I found myself 13-15 pounds heavier ( on average ) and my body fat percentage increased 2.25 times what I was accustomed to . For me , my new concern was that I did not like the direction that my