Nuzuna Magazine December 2021 | Page 27




The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that in the United States alone , 23 % of adults have arthritis . That ’ s more than 54 million people . Of these , roughly 24 million adults are limited by arthritis in their daily activities due to its symptoms , which include pain , swelling , stiffness , and a decreased range of motion .

Very generally , the causes of arthritis come down to the swelling and tenderness of joints . There are various types of arthritis but regardless of the type , the consensus is the same : Arthritis can significantly decrease your quality of life .
While arthritis treatment commonly includes medication , there ’ s an alternative ( or supplement ): electric muscle stimulation . This can be a safe , reliable , and powerful way to fight the pain and limited range of motion brought on by arthritis .
Using Electro Muscle Stimulation ( EMS ) for Arthritis Treatment
Electro Muscle Stimulation ( EMS ) offers a number of benefits to the user , one of which is a decrease in pain . This is what makes it viable as a form of arthritis treatment .
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Arthritis
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Arthritis ( TENS ) is different than NMES ( neuromuscular electrostimulation , often called EMS ), and this plays a role in addressing arthritis .
In particular , TENS sends an electrical signal to your nerves that can override your body ’ s pain signals . Additionally , it can trigger the release of your brain ’ s natural painkillers , endorphins .
According to the Arthritis Foundation , TENS can help both acute ( short-term ) and chronic ( long-term ) pain due to arthritis . It can even reduce your reliance on pain medication . In fact , one review determined that approximately half of the people who use TENS for arthritis treatment will experience a 50 % reduction in their pain .
TENS is an excellent aid in the fight against arthritis , but that doesn ’ t mean that NMES doesn ’ t serve a role , as well .
NMES and Arthritis
While NMES plays a different part , it can still work hand-in-hand with TENS . NMES makes your muscles contract by applying electrical impulses to your nerves . As a result , blood flow increases , nutrient distribution improves , your muscles can become stronger , and you ’ re less prone to injury .
Science seemingly agrees that people suffering from arthritis can benefit from NMES . In one study published in Applied Nursing Research , participants reported a 22 % decrease in pain in knee arthritis 15 minutes after being treated with NMES . Another study suggested that electrical stimulation could improve grip strength and fatigue in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and muscle atrophy of the hand .
More research will always be helpful , but overwhelmingly , the results are positive . This makes NMES a good candidate for arthritis treatment because it supports weak joints . While it doesn ’ t directly target pain , it encourages other facets that will indirectly reduce your pain . Using it as a consistent , long-term approach can support your muscles and joints and thus help offset the symptoms of arthritis .
Thus , using a combination of both TENS and NMES is a safe bet in managing arthritis .
Improve Arthritis Symptoms with SUPER-SUIT Exercise
Nuzuna ’ s SUPER-SUIT exercise can be used on an impeded joint to increase range of motion and promote healing in the injured area by increasing blood flow and thus reducing inflammation . It has also been an effective remedy to help strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints and relieve joint stress and tension . According to one arthritis doctor , those who have tried exercising with the SUPER-SUIT technology have noticed their pain diminished in half . This can greatly reduce the need for painkillers and save your kidneys some damage .
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