Nuzuna Magazine December 2021 | Page 24




Got cellulite ? Tried everything ? Chances are , you have not tried the anti-cellulite program at Nuzuna . Nearly everyone is affected by cellulite . Studies have shown that 90 % of women are affected by some type of cellulite . Thankfully , cellulite can be treated with Nuzuna ’ s soon-to-launch Anti-Cellulite Program along with proper hydration , exercise , and healthy nutrition .

What is Cellulite ?
First things first : what is cellulite ? Cellulite appears when your natural subcutaneous fat pushes through the layer of connective tissue that separates it from the skin . Subcutaneous fat is the body fat that sits just below the skin ; it keeps us warm and stores energy for the body .
Fat cells are different from other cells in that they are not constantly dividing . Most
adults contain a stable number of fat cells , and the cells simply enlarge or shrink as a person stores and uses fat ( respectively ). That being said , if someone requires more fat store ’ s , the body will produce more fat cells to expand and shrink as needed .
With cellulite , the fat cells are so enlarged , and the connective tissue is so weak , that the enlarged cells tear through the connective tissue , creating a lumpy texture of the skin above it .
Cellulite Facts
Some additional quick facts on cellulite : there are theories that genetics , hormones , and lifestyle factors play a role in the formation of cellulite . Some predisposing factors include being female , distribution of subcutaneous fat , smoking , and sedentary and high-stress lifestyles that can lead to the formation of cellulite . Also
ROMANSAMBORSKYI / SHUTTERSTOCK . COM important to note is that while obesity and being sedentary are predisposing factors , being slim does not necessarily mean that you will be spared from developing cellulite . The genetic and hormonal components play a huge role .
How EMS Eliminates Cellulite
So , how does this Nuzuna technology help with cellulite ? Two ways : destroying and building . There is some research that concludes that electrical stimulation to fat cells can lyse ( destroy ) them by drawing water out of the cell and disrupting the cellular membrane . Whether your body has created an excessive number of fat cells over the years and / or your fat cells have drastically expanded , this technology may be the way to decrease your number of fat cells .
Muscle building is the best result of this training . With EMS applied to the entire body , muscular activation is enhanced , and so is the stress on all of our tissues . The body ’ s tissues operate under Wolff ’ s Law : they adapt to the specific loads applied to them . By working on strengthening and mobility , the connective tissue that was torn can be made stronger . So can the connective tissue all over your body ! This technology adds to the increased systemic blood flow of exercise , so all of your tissues are receiving more nutrients to grow and repair . EMS enhances these results by safely applying total-body stimuli , so more of your body is working during your workouts .
Exercise is the most highly recommended solution to dealing with cellulite due to its effects on body fat reduction , tissue strengthening , and increased blood flow .