Nuzuna Magazine December 2021 | Page 11




Who is already gearing up for next year ’ s beach bod ? Who is getting a head start on their New Year ’ s resolution ? Anyone else have a wedding to go to this year ? We all have our reasons to “ get toned ,” but what does being “ toned ” really take ? Most people can point out a picture of what it looks like to be “ toned ,” yet have difficulty explaining the process or even understanding what it is .

Let ’ s clear up the confusion about toning and talk more about how you can reach your goals more efficiently this year ( and next !).
What It Means to Be “ Toned ”?
“ Toning .” We always use quotations or italics when writing about it because it is not a singular action , it is more of a slang term for a concept . The concept is this : decrease body fat , increase muscle mass . Some people shake their heads at this description , claiming that they want to be “ slender , not bulky .” However , physiologically , both fat loss and muscle gain must occur to get the image of “ toned ” that these same people are after .
Looking at a “ toned ” person , one will notice subtle muscle definition . This definition is present because the subcutaneous fat layer ( the layer of fat underneath the skin ) is thin in that area , and the muscle is appropriately formed ( size and shape ).
Do you see why strengthening is an important part of this look ? This concept is fortuitous because the more our muscles are used , the more calories we burn in general . Muscles are a high maintenance tissue : aside from the brain , they can require some of the highest numbers of calories to maintain , but only if they are being used . When our muscles are not used , our bodies break down the tissue to use as energy elsewhere or to be stored as fat .
Suffice to say , exercise is a key component of creating an individual ’ s optimally “ toned ” body . To address another common plight : do not be concerned about having to run all day and only eat salads .
Newer research has found that an appropriate training regimen including both aerobic and anaerobic exercise can produce body fat reduction . This is great news ! Exercise that is aerobic and / or anaerobic in nature can be running , weightlifting , Zumba , or yoga . It ’ s more about the energy systems that your body is using rather than the actual activity .
Exact exercise variables and nutritional tips are subject to another article ; the main point here is that multiple forms of exercise can create the “ tone ” you may be seeking .
Muscle Toning Through Electro Muscle Stimulation ( EMS ) Exercise
So , if you can do ( almost ) anything to “ tone ,” why consider Nuzuna ? Let ’ s discuss how Nuzuna ’ s Electro Muscle Stimulation ( EMS ) technology can make a difference for almost every workout style . These workouts are led by a Nuzuna ’ s certified EMS trainer and involve the use of our SUPER-SUIT that sends electrical impulses directly to the body ’ s muscles .
By providing this stimulation , more muscles are contracted , thus creating a greater caloric expenditure during exercise . Remember how we said that muscles need to be used in order to utilize energy ( i . e . burn calories ) from the body ? That usage takes the form of muscle contraction , and your muscles will experience an enhanced contraction when you exercise with the SUPER-SUIT .
There are a number of factors that play a role in getting results from your workouts , and two of them are efficiency and effectiveness . Working smart is integral to achieving success . Utilizing multiple muscle groups and working through an appropriately progressed workout program are excellent ways that using your brain ( or someone else ’ s ) can boost your results .
Nuzuna ’ s SUPER-SUIT exercise provides both of these benefits , with research and professionals backing up their training programs . We all have goals ; some seem insurmountable , others we struggle to make time for .
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