Reviews + Reports
Campisi SC , Cherian AM , Bhutta ZA . World Perspective on the Epidemiology of Stunting between 1990 and 2015 . Horm Res Paediatr . 2017 Mar 10 . doi : 10.1159 / 000462972 .
Sánchez-Hernández D , Anderson GH , Poon AN , Pannia E , Cho CE , Huot PS , Kubant R . Maternal fat-soluble vitamins , brain development , and regulation of feeding behavior : an overview of research . Nutr Res . 2016 Oct ; 36 ( 10 ): 1045-1054 . doi : 10.1016 / j . nutres . 2016.09.009 .
Trépanier MO , Hopperton KE , Orr SK , Bazinet RP . N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in animal models with neuroinflammation : An update . Eur J Pharmacol . 2016 Aug 15 ; 785:187-206 . doi : 10.1016 / j . ejphar . 2015.05.045 . Review .
Courtney-Martin G , Ball RO , Pencharz PB , Elango R . Protein Requirements during Aging . Nutrients . 2016 Aug 11 ; 8 ( 8 ). pii : E492 . doi : 10.3390 / nu8080492 .
DiLauro S , Unger S , Stone D , O ' Connor DL . Human Milk for Ill and Medically Compromised Infants : Strategies and Ongoing Innovation . JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr . 2016 Aug ; 40 ( 6 ): 768-82 . doi : 10.1177 / 0148607116629676 .
Issue 3 | Nutrition of Everything | 40