The ‘perfect body’ cannot be interpreted by what media
defines it to be. A rock-hard six-pack does not directly
translate to a healthy individual. The strive to losing weight
should be founded in building self-esteem, strengthening
mental vigor, and improving physical health. If this
foundation is lost in the process through any method of
losing weight, an opposite outcome can result where physical,
mental, or emotional status can be exacerbated.
If we remove the countless and
often overwhelming external
inputs that surround us,
perhaps the definition of the
‘perfect body’ becomes more
We will allow ourselves to reflect and shift our focus to what
is primarily most important to us; that is achieving the best
version of ourselves instead of being moulded into society’s
skewed definition of beauty.
In this endeavour, our
attainment of ‘perfection’
resembles ‘wholeness’
whereby we are not
affixed on the physical
image perfection but
rather aim to achieve
perfection in balancing
physical and mental well-
Issue 3 | Nutrition of Everything | 15