Nutrien Ag Solutions Seed Guide 2021 | Page 34

Choose the right soybe SOYBEANS S HEAT UNITS RELATIVE MATURITY PROVEN SEED PV 15s0009 R2X 2300 0009 PV 22s002 R2X NEW 2350 002 PV 16s004 R2X 2400 004 PV 10s005 RR2 2425 005 PV 19s006 R2X NEW 2450 006 PV 12s007 R2X 2475 007 NK S0009-F2X NEW 2275 0009 S0009-M2 2275 0009 S001-D8X NEW 2300 001 S003-Z4X 2325 003 S005-C9X NEW 2350 005 S007-Y4 2350 005 S006-M4X 2375 006 S007-A4XS NEW 2400 007 DEKALB DKB0005-44 2175 0005 DKB0009-89 2275 0009 DKB002-32 NEW 2350 002 DKB003-29 2375 003 DKB005-52 2425 005 24-10RY 2425 005 DKB006-29 2450 006 25-10RY 2500 008 BEST OPTION BETTER OPTION GOOD OPTION Choose the right type of pulse inoculant When choosing an inoculant, first select the correct species of rhizobia. There are many species, each linked to a specific set of pulse crop hosts. Inoculant formulation is also important. Liquid and peat inoculants are applied directly to the seed, while granular inoculants are placed in the soil at planting. Liquid inoculants, although easy to handle, should only be used if the field has a history of the pulse crop grown in rotation. 16 Soybeans