Nutrien Ag Solutions Seed Guide 2021 | Page 15

SCRIPTION h Roundup Ready ® Technology traits allowing growers to have straight cut or delay swathing. spray window and application rate maximize yields in all geographies YIELD (CHECK DK 75-65) 103% rid. PV 761 TM provides growers , application windows and harvest oven Seed’s high standards on ndability, this hybrid is designed 102% Roundup Ready technology with TC brings a wider spray window lity helping growers maximize Western Canada. 102% ESCRIPTION management and clubroot LCM has it all. This new om Proven Seed is a solid choice s across Western Canada. hybrid from Proven Seed. e to blackleg and clubroot, this will excel in rotations across YIELD (CHECK L233P) 99% 102% earliest maturing LibertyLink Seed. Suitable for all growing on hybrid is an excellent choice sk of clubroot in Western Canada. 100% ing data 2019