Nutrien Ag Solutions Forage Guide 2020 | Page 15

Grain, greenfeed or silage CEREALS When it comes to producing livestock, a large quantity of high quality feed can mean the difference between profit and loss. Whether you need feed to background calves, finish feeders or over-winter a breeding herd, count on Nutrien Ag Solutions to provide the right cereal variety to meet your needs – like these top-producing barley options. BARLEY VARIETY AC Metcalfe (chk) Brahma YIELD (% AC METCALFE) MATURITY LODGING 100 M G 111 M G (CM) TEST WEIGHT PLUMP DESCRIPTION 81 51.7 91.4 – 93.4 An excellent choice of feed barley that offers growers impressive yields with improved disease resistance and harvest efficiency. A great replacement for growers who like Xena characteristics. Disease package: Improved resistance to leaf rusts; I to FHB 90.3 Overall yield winner in Nutrien Ag Solutions R&D trials from 2014 to 2018. This feed barley has superior straw strength and high test weights. Disease package: Improvement in all leaf diseases; I to FHB 91.3 A short and heavy stature barley that is well suited for high input operations and manured soils. Oreana has excellent standability without sacrificing yield. Disease package: S to FHB HEIGHT (%) (LB/BU) 78 52.4 Claymore 116 M/L G 82 51.5 Oreana 112 M/L VG 70 52.1 Source: 2015-2018 Nutrien Ag Solutions Local Performance Checks – 12 locations, 162 replicates. Maturity: E=Early, M=Mid, L=Late | Lodging: P=Poor, F=Fair, G=Good, VG=Very Good Top silage varieties (%) (TONNE/ AC) TOTAL DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS (%) YIELD DRY MATTER CRUDE PROTEIN Austenson 100 10.6 71.6 2.6 7.3 Claymore 100 10.6 71.4 4.1 7.6 VARIETY YIELD YIELD (MT/AC) (%) Data from 2018 Regional Silage Variety Trial 13