Nursing Review Issue 6 November-December 2021 | Page 10

industry & reform
industry & reform

Listen , don ’ t label

Why some health workers are vaccine hesitant , and how we can support them .
Holly Seale interviewed by Eleanor Campbell

With reports of nurses in New York burning their scrubs in protest

8 | nursingreview . com . au against vaccine mandates and footage of workers protesting in Melbourne against lockdown , the divide between ‘ vaccine mindsets ’ is growing .
With a small group of health workers thought to be hesitant or against receiving the COVID vaccine , Associate Professor Holly Seale , an infectious disease social scientist from the UNSW School of Population Health , recommends that employers adopt mindful language to avoid “ finger pointing ”.
Seale joined Nursing Review to discuss ‘ anti-vaxxers ’, safe discussions around vaccines in the workplace , and the rights of patient safety versus the rights of health staff .
NR : What are the distinctions between being vaccine hesitant and anti-vax ? HS : It ’ s important to note that ‘ vaccine hesitancy ’ is a term that has been formally recognised for many years . And certainly we apply it to other vaccine programs , not just for COVID .
When we think about vaccine acceptance , we know that it happens on a spectrum , that there are certainly those in the community who will roll up their sleeve and receive their flu vaccine , including many of our healthcare workers . There will be those who are happy to receive some vaccines , but may either delay or decline to receive others .
And then there are those at the other end of the spectrum , who really either decline all vaccines or even , to the furthest point ,