Nursing Review Issue 5 September-October 2023 | Page 25

WORKFORCE improve patient safety and increase its capability to match rising health demands .
WORKFORCE improve patient safety and increase its capability to match rising health demands .
Overall , $ 19 million will be spent to support free parking at rural and regional hospitals .
WOMEN ’ S HEALTH AND WELLBEING An investment of $ 18.6 million will go into 28 new and eight existing McGrath Foundation breast cancer nurses in the budget ’ s $ 100 million spend on improvements to women ’ s healthcare and wellbeing services .
Additionally , a $ 34.3 million boost will go to Women ’ s Health Centres , which provide general and mental health services to women . Employing 48 new sexual assault nurse examiners and medical and forensic officers , aims to fill gaps in sexual assault healthcare services for victims with $ 52.7 million .
ESSENTIAL SERVICES FUND KEY TO STRENGTHEN PUBLIC SECTOR NSW treasurer Daniel Mookhey announced the government ’ s ambitious plan in parliament explaining how the $ 3.6 billion Essential Services Fund will enable the government to negotiate workplace changes and improve these services .
“ I would much prefer to be able to spend money on the state ’ s essential services and essential workers , rather than have to write big cheques to the state ’ s bondholders ,” the treasurer said during his announcement .
“ This is an investment New South Wales must make to deliver vital public services to the standard people expect .”
The budget ’ s $ 13 billion in cuts and savings , and the tax increases on big multinationals , will fund the promised $ 3.6 billion in pay rises for public sector workers such as nurses and teachers .
“ If we want a world-class health system , we have to train , recruit and retain enough health workers to staff our hospitals ,” he said .
“ The government will work to rebuild essential services by working to fill labour shortages .
“ The Essential Services Fund will give them certainty and help bolster their ranks to ensure essential services workers are supported to deliver the best outcome for the people of New South Wales .”
By removing the wage caps at the start of September , the state government will now start to introduce a new wage bargaining system , and it ’ s hoped that the plans to reform salary packaging benefits for some of the lowest-paid health workers will retain them in the healthcare industry .
The budget paper states better healthcare will come from rewarded and respected nurses , paramedics , and healthcare workers in our hospitals and health facilities .
NSW ’ s overall debt is climbing and will reach $ 188.2 billion by 2026 , exacerbated by rising interest rates . However , the government forecasts there will be an $ 844 million surplus for 2024-25 thanks to this year ’ s modest spending . ■


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