Nursing Review Issue 5 September-October 2023 | Page 2

New name . Same formulation .

Over 50 years of history in Australia

Nutrition , Science and Care for Healthy Growth and Development

Low protein for appropriate weight gain , 1.28g / 100mL . In line with NHMRC recommendations 1
Enriched with sn-2 Fat Easy to digest . May help to soften stools 2-5
Nucleotides and Zinc To promote a healthy immune system 6-11
DHA / AA To help support brain development when they need it most 12-14
Alula Gold Newborn premium infant formula has been carefully formulated to provide complete nutrition for infants 0-6 months
IMPORTANT STATEMENT : Breastfeeding is best for babies . It has benefits for the infant , such as reducing infection risk , and for the mother . It is important to have a healthy balanced diet in preparation for , and during breastfeeding . Infant formula is designed to replace breast milk when an infant is not breastfed . Breastfeeding can be negatively affected by introducing partial bottle-feeding and reversing a decision not to breastfeed is difficult . Infant formula must be prepared and used as directed . Unnecessary or improper use of infant formula , such as not properly boiling water or sterilising feeding equipment , may make your baby ill . Social and financial implications , including preparation time and the cost of formula , should be considered when selecting a method of infant feeding .
References : 1 . NHMRC , ( National Health and Medical Research Council ) Canberra 2012 ( Updated 2017 ); Infant Feeding Guidelines , NHMRC . 2 . Béghin L et al ., 2019 , Clin . Nutr . Jun ; 38 ( 3 ): 1023- 1030 . 3 . Kennedy et al . 1999 . Am . J . Clin . Nutr ., 70 : 920-927 . 4 . Yao , M ., et al ., 2014 . JPGN , 59 : 440-448 . 5 . Bar-Yoseph et al . 2013 . PLEFA , 89 : 139-143 . 6 . Yu , V ., 2002 , J . Paediatr . Child Health : 38 , pp . 543-549 7 . Hess , J . & Greenberg , N ., 2012 ,: Am . Soc . Par . Ent . Nutr ., 27 ( 2 ), pp . 281-294 8 . Singhal , A ., et al ., 2008 . AJCN , 87 : 1785-1792 9 . Ackland , M . & Michalczyk , A ., 2016 , Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics , 611 , pp . 51-57 10 . Aumeistere L ., et al ., 2018 , Nutrients , 10 ( 1438 ), 1-9 . 11 . Carver , J ., 1999 , Acta Paediatr Suppl : 430 , pp . 83-8.163 12 . Brenna , J . T ., et al . 2007 . AJCN , 85:1457-1464.13 . Koletzko , B ., et al 2008 ., J . Perinat . Med ., 36 , pp . 5-14 . 14 . EFSA NDA Panel ( EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products , Nutrition and Allergies ), 2014 . Scientific Opinion on the essential composition of infant and follow-on formulae . EFSA Journal 2014 ; 12 ( 7 ): 3760 , 106 pp . doi : 10.2903 / j . efsa . 2014.3760
Sanulac Nutritionals Australia Pty Ltd . Suite 1002 , Level 10 , 100 Christie Street , St Leonards NSW 2065 . AN05955 12 / 05 / 2023
For Healthcare Professionals Only . For Formula-fed infants .