Nursing Review Issue 5 September-October 2023 | Page 19

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The laTesT news and resources for healThcare professionals
Nursing Review is essential reading for anyone involved in the healthcare sector in Australia . It provides unrivalled coverage of specialist topics from features and opinion pieces , to international news and profiles .
At Nursing Review we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of the ever changing healthcare sector .
We provide an independent source of news , and cover the issues relevant to nurses and the sector giving an informative , practical and insightful view into day to day life in hospitals and in surgery .
• Analysis of the major issues facing the health sector today
• Can be used as a professional development resource
• 6 issues per year
• Interviews and opinion pieces from professionals in the industry
• Written by an independent voice
• Tax deductible

Please call 02 9936 8666 to find out more .